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hi hi hi

ngl i sorta forgot about this lol, shifting hasnt been on my mind lately. i sorta feel disappointed cuz like in the beginning, you all saw how motivated i was and now im just like idc. i think a reason i was so motivated to shift before was because i had some family problems, so shifting was one of the only things keeping me going. now my issues have improved so maybe that could possibly be a reason why im not so obsessed with shifting anymore?? so like maybe before i was so eager to leave this reality but now that things are better im not so eager to go. idk. 

another reason i couldve possibly grown less motivated is because of a subliminal channel i used to listen to. im not sure if this information is true because the channel themselves said it was a hoax, but apparently celestial subliminals (i think thats what it is) actually sends your subconscious negative affirmations and makes you less motivated. some people said they even got nightmares from it. so whether its true or not, my suggestion would be to not listen to them. thanks for the warning bestie rita ;). someone gave me a tip and said to listen to subliminals by smaller creators. 

buuuuuut i will start trying to shift again soon. ill do it for you guys because i know some of yall are counting on me to be successful for motivation. ill keep trying and you should too!

ew that was cringey but wtv

shifting realities: hogwartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें