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september 22, 2020

last night, i attempted to shift realities for the first time. i did it around 10:45 pm and stopped attempting at 12:20 am. spoiler alert: it didn't work. 

i had heard that the raven method could cause sleep paralysis so i tried the stair method. it was actually really hard keeping still. i had to move a few times before i could go a while without moving. it didn't work, so i was like screw this, i'll just do the raven method. i accidentally counted from 100-1 instead of 1-100 but this is when i started getting signs. i felt a deep pit in my stomach. i felt like i was levitating. i started to switch/jerk. but it didn't work, but it's progress. i think it's because i couldn't sleep. i literally had my eyes closed and was relaxed, yet i still couldn't manage to fall asleep. then, i kinda started doing a mixture of methods. i went from stairs to raven then raven again to stairs again to train to piano and blah blah blah. then my friend told me methods work because you are tricking your brain into you're already there, if you do too many methods then it gets confused. so yeah. nothing much happened last night, just a few signs. i think i have to go deeper though. i'll update you guys tomorrow when i try again tonight.

i actually tried again later in the day (because i had tutoring 30 minutes later and would rather have my clone do it hehe) and i did the alice in wonderland method. i only felt slight tingles during that attempt though. i also heard like a light tapping noise, like tapping on a light bulb. not sure which reality that was from though. (update, i'm rereading this and the noise is jst when my light goes out haha)

i am writing this later in the day, but i realized i don't remember much about hogwarts or the characters since i watched the movies a long time ago. i feel if i shift to a reality which i don't know the story of, it will be inaccurate and i want it to be as real as possible. i might continue to "practice" shifting, but i will not fully shift until i watch all the movies again.

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