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hello my fellow shifters, i have an announcement!

on april 27th around 4:30 am pst (please correct me if the time is wrong), a celestial event is happening! it is a pink super moon! i just found out today it isn't actually pink so i was a little bummed out about that lol. 

i know i havent tried shifting in a while, but today seemed like the perfect opportunity to slowly get back into shifting. im on a mission to start procrastinating less and maybe shifting will get me back into my normal not-procrastinating routine.

the thing is, my plan is when i get to bed, i read until 4:30 am (or i just read and once i get tired i take a nap until 4:30) and then i want to go out to my front yard to watch it for a bit. then ill do whatever but when night comes, ill shift. i might be really really tired so im not sure if i can promise that ill attempt to shift. ill try my best tho!

just thought id let you all know today would be a GREAT day to shift and we can all do it! i love you and we got this <3

update: my apologies, it was actually at 8:32 pm pst! but i just went outside and the moon is still bright :) it was really beautiful and it took my breath away.

so in that case, ill actually be shifting tonight instead of tomorrow night. i wont need to wake up early either, so thats good! lets go home.

hey my luvlies! heres another update :)

not to trauma dump or be dramatic but i got into a fight with my parents and just finished crying lol. although this is the case, i will still be shifting! i wanted to use this scenario as motivation that you can shift wherever and whenever - whether your vibrations are happy or sad, theyre still vibrations that are capable of being lifted!

after i publish this i will go straight to shifting, but not before reviewing my script. i still have my old hogwarts one that i said i pulled apart, and although thats not one of my top choices to shift to, that is the only completed script. of course, i dont mind shifting here, id be grateful shifting anywhere.

in case you didnt get a chance to see the pink moon, here are some pictures my friends and i took!

in case you didnt get a chance to see the pink moon, here are some pictures my friends and i took!

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this one looks like its from the internet lol, she used a professional camera

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this one looks like its from the internet lol, she used a professional camera.

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