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april 4, 2022

hello my fellow shifters,

not sure how many of you guys are active readers, but i just finished a book series called acotar (a court of thorns and roses, HIGHLY recommend), and the next book doesn't come out until 2023. im currently having a massive book hangover, which is extremely emotionally damaging to me after doing so well recently because the world of acotar is throwing me off from reality. anyways, enough of the storytime, but im here, typing away, happy to announce that something DOES come out of this. book hangovers are often caused by a reader simply missing their book's reality as if they were apart of it and are not ready to let go of it yet. as someone currently experiencing a book hangover (which i think ive already mentioned like 3 times), ive found my solution: shifting. 

i am so so happy to finally have the drive to shift again. i have acotar to thank for that. if it isnt clear enough, i wont be shifting to harry potter. but no matter the reality, the shifting journey will be the same.

ive attempted shifting the past 2 nights, but i didnt have any results. but thats okay. i know i will get there and i cant wait to share my progress and experiences with you all once again.

thank you for the constant love and supports, im so excited to continue updating this journal!

infinite love to everyone reading this.

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