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november 5, 2020

i'm not sure if this is really considered an attempt as i wasn't able to complete the method, but i wanted to share this with you guys anyways. so i didn't want to do the julia method today, and i thought about the alice in wonderland method so i was just like oh, let's do it. turns out i'm HORRIBLE at visualizing. i usually don't get distracted with other thoughts, but i do when i'm visualizing. so then i decided to do the raven method. so hogwarts is my main dr but i wake up in my summer house, so when i counted from 1-50 i visualized me in my summer house bedroom. then from 51-100 i visualized me in my hogwarts dorm. and every 10 numbers, i said an affirmation. i felt like it was going well because i was getting signs, but then my dad was setting up this loud ass robot vacuum cleaner thing and it startled me and i opened my eyes when i was around 70. so i decided to wait until my dad was finished setting it up so there wouldn't be any more distractions but then i fell asleep.

also, i heard birds again, but it was almost right away. i really don't know if it's from my dr or not.

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