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october 16, 2020

hahaha so i'm writing this during class right now so if some parts of this section don't make sense it's because we're watching a movie right now and the noise is distracting me. ok so tonight is the night we've all been waiting for! another celestial event. i think on the 1st or something there was another celestial event, but i wasn't able to shift then because my parents were so damn loud. my dad just came back from a business trip last night so hopefully i won't be loud again tonight. everyone who's shifting tonight WILL shift, and we WILL go home. we're going to have the time of our lives and let go of our cr! i also think there's another celestial event on the 31st, like it's a blue moon or something, so that would be another great time to shift! we're all going home tonight! ily and believe in you! we got this :)

i will tell you how it goes, so stay tuned!

btw throughout the day i have been drinking LOTS of water, visualizing my dr, meditating, listening to hp related music/subliminals, and staying positive! i hope you do the same so we can successfully shift tonight.

shifting realities: hogwartsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum