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before i start, know that you don't need a method to shift. methods are guidance, but you can easily shift if you just tell your subconscious you will.

sleeping methods are typically easier, so if you're a baby shifter i suggest you do that first. unless you're like me, where you have a hard time falling asleep.

i put the basic and well-known methods here, but if you have a request i can add it as well.

HERE ARE SIGNS YOU ARE SHIFTING: urge to itch or move, shivers, twitching, feeling like you're levitating, feeling dizzy, seeing flashes of white when your eyes are closed, hearing voices or noises that aren't in your cr (this is when you're really close). there are more signs but i'm not aware of them.

disclaimer: i am not sure if my definitions are 100% accurate, this information is coming from tiktok and google. please correct me if i have false information!

affirmation: "encouraging" yourself you can do it. ex. i can shift. i deserve to shift.

tip: for more chances of success, meditate and make sure you are completely calm and relaxed.  you need to be 100% confident you can do this. it will not work even with the slightest doubt. you can also have a mixture of methods, but don't do too much or your brain will get confused. for example, you can mix the raven method with the pillow method. also, for some methods i would recommend to affirm that you aren't attached to any reality before you start, because if you affirm you're already there in the beginning of the method it might confuse your brain.

RAVEN METHOD (note: this may cause sleep paralysis. do at your own risk): make sure you're half-asleep and lay on your back with none of your limbs touching (in a starfish position) and close your eyes. do not move. count from 1-100 and say your affirmations until you fall asleep. you will wake up in your dr.

SUNNI METHOD: this method is not a starter method, unless you are good at tricking your brain. this is simple - if you can do it. all you have to do is trick your mind you are already there. make yourself think you are seeing your dr. you are in your dr. you can smell your dr. try and visualize a scene in your dr until you fall asleep. you should wake up in your dr.

ALICE IN WONDERLAND METHOD: imagine your current self sitting under a tree. you look around, and imagine yourself seeing someone from your dr. when the dr character starts running away, follow them. keep running after them until your consciousness starts to slip from reality. after that, imagine a hole. your dr character jumps in the hole. jump inside after them. you may feel like you're actually falling. once you hit the ground, you find yourself in a small room with a door and key. use the key to open the door. with your dr character on the other side of the door, they will ask if you're ready to go. say yes, take their hand, and go through. then go to your dr bedroom and fall asleep in the same position you did when you started this method. you will wake up in your dr.

TRAIN METHOD: imagine you are on a train, on the way to your reality. be comfortable in your seat and think about your dr. once you have arrived, open your eyes.

PILLOW METHOD: put your script under your pillow. visualize your dr self and say affirmations. keep doing this until you fall asleep, and you will wake up in your dr.

STAIR METHOD: imagine yourself walking up a flight of stairs. on each step you take, say an affirmation. once you reach the top of the stairs, visualize a dr character there. they will take your hand and open a door. when the door opens, walk into the light and when you think you are there, open your eyes.

PIANO METHOD: imagine a big room with people. they are all chatting and celebrating. then, imagine your dr self walking into the room. everyone stops talking and stares at you. they make way for you as you walk to the big grand piano in the middle of the room. then, focus on the piano song you play. after you are done, take a bow. say "excuse me, but now i must go home." walk out of the room and you see a dr character. you follow them to a hall with a big door and a golden handle (or however you want to visualize the door.) walk in. then you will be in your dr.

ELEVATOR METHOD: lay down on your back. imagine yourself in an elevator. on each floor you pass, say an affirmation. your energy gets higher and higher. once you feel your energy is high enough, land on one floor, open the doors, and you see your desired room. walk in and you will see your dr self sleeping. go into their body and sleep. you will wake up in your dr.

MIRROR METHOD (note: this method may let evil spirits harm or possess you. do at your own risk): imagine yourself in front of a mirror. in the reflection, you see your dr self. you can either choose to walk right into the reflection or imagine your soul leaving your body and going into your dr self. after imagine your dr bed and sleep. you will wake up in your dr.

JULIA METHOD (note: this method is credited to julia! thank you for making this awesome method! also take note that this method has more steps than the typical method): first meditate and then play a subliminal (i don't play a subliminal but you can). next, say affirmations that start with "i am" or simply just that itself. instead of "my," say "this." saying "my" is referring to your cr body rather than your consciousness. don't say "i am in my dr" yet because we only just started! next, count from either 1-100 or 100-1. you know you'll be done once you start getting signs, but if you don't then you might have to recount again, and that's okay! next, say affirmations as if you are already there. examples are "i am (dr name)", "i am grateful to be in my dr", "i am happy to be in my dr", but don't say "i am/will shift(ing) to my dr." finally, visualize! act as if you are already there. this is where you trick your brain into thinking you're there. 

HOGWARTS METHOD (credits to @railed_by.draco on tiktok! for this method i am going to be describing how i personally did it, this is slightly different from the original method so if you want the original here's the link: before i get started you should know that this method is for hogwarts specifically, so if you are shifting somewhere else you might have to modify it a bit. the first step is to affirm that you are not attached to ANY reality. not your cr, not your dr, nothing. the affirmations i use are "i am pure consciousness not attached to any reality," "i am more than this physical body because i am more than physical matter," and "i am" (credits of these affirmation ideas to the julia method creator). keep saying these until you start feeling signs like twitching or tingles. next, visualize you are in the hogwarts library, writing down affirmations that you are already here. after writing down all your affirmations, imagine someone from your dr is watching you, then they turn to run away. get up and chase them, chase them for as long as you want, and then imagine them stopping. they ask you "are you ready to go home?" and you say yes. then they lead you to a door, and when you open it, it is your dr bedroom. imagine yourself getting into your bed in the same position you are in now. now, you are your dr you in your bed. now count from 1-100 and visualize yourself in first person, and trick your mind into thinking you are already there. once you're done, keep visualizing yourself in first person and visualize memories from your dr.

INTEND METHOD (make sure you're really drowsy before doing this): get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. start thinking and visualizing your dr. keep doing this until you are seconds away from falling asleep, and when you're there, affirm "i intend to wake up in my desired reality" and then you should fall asleep the second after. you should wake up in your dr.

MY METHOD (note: i have never shifted using this or any method, but this one got me the closest): this is sort of a mix of sunni and staircase. close your eyes. visualize scenes from your dr that include you. while doing that, everyone once in a while say a few affirmations. keep thinking of different scenes, and eventually start a new scene of someone taking you to your dr bedroom. you're in first person but you also see your dr self in your bed. they are lying in the same position you are in right now. imagine yourself going into your dr self on your bed, and now you are done visualizing scenes. continue to say affirmations, but now you will visualize your dr. for example, i'm doing hogwarts and i like to visualize the common rooms, hagrids house, the hospital wing, the great hall, etc.. keep doing this and once you fall asleep you will wake up in your dr. you could also just keep visualizing until you're there if you don't want to fall asleep, it's a sleep and non sleep method.

different methods work for different people. try all of them and see which one will get you to your dr. but don't switch too often!

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