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october 23, 2020

so yesterday i learned about the julia method, so i tried that last night. it didn't work but it seemed super powerful. recently i've been switching methods every time i try, so maybe that's a reason why it didn't work. if you want to know what the julia method is, there are some stories on wattpad that explain it.

ok so my routine last night was i listened to some harry potter music around lunchtime, i hydrated throughout the whole day, and i listened to a subliminal while i was reading my script. after that i meditated and then i watched a youtube video that you're supposed to watch before you shift (it was like four minutes and it's just scenes showing hogwarts to help you visualize).

ok so here's how my experience was last night (it's a non sleep method i think). this method is slightly more complicated because there are more steps, therefore more things to remember. ok so i did get distracted every once in a while because yesterday i was playing among us and i made a friend and they asked me for my socials but i got DISCONNECTED, so i was really upset before so that was kinda in my head last night. so almost automatically my left foot got numb. i also heard like, rain and i'm pretty sure it didn't rain, but i heard the rain REALLY early on (like in the first step) so i don't think it was from my dr. still don't know where that was from. and of course throughout i felt jerking, twitching, and the urge to move. it was super hard not to move with the numb left foot, let me tell ya.

so according to julia herself, i've sort of being saying affirmations wrong. so i guess you're not supposed to say "my" because it refers to your cr body instead of your consciousness. you also shouldn't say "i am shifting to my desired reality", "i have shifted to my desired reality", or "i will shift to my desired reality" and i'm glad i know that now because i literally use that affirmation every time i shift.

the method rules also say to meditate right before, but i meditated like 45 minutes before i actually shifted and it also says to listen to some specific subliminal, but i didn't listen to anything at all. that could also be another reason i wasn't able to shift.

by the way, i did end up opening my eyes because i was waiting for a long time. can someone please tell me if you have to wait a super long time for you to finally be there, or you should be there almost straight away? like do you really have to wait 20 minutes after doing the method to shift? so yea, i pretty much opened my eyes because i thought the method was already over and it didn't work. it really sucks being impatient. also, does anyone know if you have to do your shifting routine on days you don't shift? i feel like this is a dumb question, like for example do you have to hydrate and read your script everyday, or only the days you shift?

i think i'm going to try the julia method again the next few tries, and then if that doesn't work, i might try a mix of raven and alice in wonderland.

shifting realities: hogwartsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt