s i x t y - t w o

372 13 6

9:51 a.m.

Spectator's POV

"We go back to Korea next week, can we just enjoy this time and relax?" Y/N huffs, plopping onto the bed.

"I agree with Y/N!" Taehyung says.

Y/N holds out her hand for Taehyung to high five, they do their thing and Taehyung goes back to watching the television. Y/N grabs her bowl of cereal off the bedside table and huddles under the blanket with Yoongi. He looks at the bowl of colorful and most likely completely sugar cereal.

"Isn't that cereal for kids?" Yoongi asks.

Y/N turns her head towards Yoongi with her eyebrow raised, silently judging him for that question.

"Cereal is cereal," Y/N answers.

Yoongi chuckles, watching his lover turn her attention to the large television in the hotel room. The sun shines brightly through the windows, lighting up the room. Highlighting every shiny surface and every feature of the woman next to him. The little chatter of the friends fill the room as the commercials play on the Saturday morning cartoon channel. 

"Next up, Digimon," The television announces.

"Oh my god! They still air Digimon!" Y/N shouts, almost spilling her cereal onto the bed.

Hoseok laughs at Y/N from the other bed, his heart shaped smile wide as he claps his hands. Yoongi reaches over to take the bowl from Y/N before she can make a mess. Yoongi places the cereal bowl on the side table.

"Bro! Digimon is elite, tell me otherwise!" Y/N states, looking at the members.

"Y/N, calm down before you lose your breakfast," Seokjin warns Y/N.

Yoongi's POV

As cute as I would like to find Y/N fanning over a show, I also like to not have a mess. Thankfully there is no mess from Y/N bouncing on her bed with her cereal. Only thing is the drips of milk on her bottom lip that I suppose she hasn't noticed. I lean over my side of the bed and swipe a napkin off of the coaster and turn Y/N's face towards me.

"Can I help you?" She asks.

"Hold on," I say.

I pat the napkin over the drips of milk, letting the paper suck up the liquid.

"All done, continue," I tell her, tossing the napkin back on the table.

"Okay, I have to ask," Hoseok announces.

"I may be stepping over the line but, are you two dating?" He questions.

"What?" I ask.

Y/N snorts on her food, coughing a bit.

"Huh?" Y/N squeaks, a few coughs following.

I look at Y/N, she stares at me with furrowed brows. I lean over to her ear.

"Should we tell them?" I whisper.

"Do you want to?" She asks.

"Oh my holy shit you are!" Jimin squeals.

I sigh and lean my forehead against Y/N's. I can feel her breath on my face as a giggle leaves her mouth. Oh, how I wish we were alone right now.

"Cat out of the bag," I say.

Y/N chuckles, "It's 'Cat is out of the bag' Yoongs."

I take my forehead off of Y/N's and look at my members. I intertwine Y/N's hand with mine and hold it up to the members.

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