f o r t y - o n e

478 18 0

s u n d a y

3:03 a.m.

Your POV

I lunge forward, trying to catch my breath. My heart beating at the speed of a cheetah, ready to jump out of my chest. I feel like I'm going to upchuck my dinner.

"It's just a dream," I tell myself, failing to convince myself.

In and out, inflate and deflate. I start, imagining a balloon being blown up. An attempt to calm myself down. After all these years, I still can't quite do it. It's funny, makes me think sometimes that I can't do anything myself. Which I know is not true but, that thought is always in my mind.

"Happy thoughts," I whisper, quietly.

I manage to calm down, at least better than I was before. I look around and notice that it's still dark outside. I reach over to my bedside table and grab my phone. The screen lights up, blinding me slightly. I blink a few times adjusting to the light. 3:03 a.m. It shows, along with notifications that I have no will to read. I place my phone back on the table and stare into the darkness. The subtle pitter patter of the rain plays around me. The droplets of water surrounding me in it's arms, a peaceful tune I won't ever get bored of.

"Sugar and sweets aren't ideal to have before bed but, ta - da!"

I smile, remembering the times my dad would bring me his famous hot chocolate when I couldn't sleep. I still have no clue how he made it taste so good. I've tried to remake it but, I can never get it to taste like his. It's funny, my dad often did it when I was sad and couldn't sleep. He did it so much that my mom "forbade" having hot chocolate in the house. My dad still did it, everytime. All those nights, he was right by my side, always. I switch back into my reality, not realizing the fact that I made my way into the kitchen. The only form of light in here is an LED candle. It wouldn't hurt to have a mug, would it now. I think, opening the cabinet and taking out the pouch of hot chocolate and then a mug.

Yoongi's POV

I roll over in my bed to my left side, not comfortable. I roll to my right, still not comfortable. I sprawl out like I'm a starfish. Still. Not. Comfortable. I quietly let out an annoyed sigh. Why can't I sleep? I wonder, staring at my ceiling. The sound of gentle footsteps pass by my door, only heard because of a squeaky plank. I sit up in my bed, who could be up? I swing my legs over and open my door. There's no one in the hallway. I make my way into the living room area, no one. A cabinet being closed and opened I hear from the kitchen. I walk in and see Y/N, stirring something into a mug. The LED candle light bouncing on her face faintly.

"What are you doing up?" I ask her.

Y/N jumps and looks over to where I am standing. She sighs.

"You scared me, don't do that," she whispers.

I nod my head and walk over, "Sorry".

"It's okay, just give me a warning or something - so I know that you're here," Y/N explains to me, sitting on top of the kitchen counter.

"So, what are you doing up?" She asks, taking a sip from her mug.

"I asked first," I reply, leaning against the counter.

"I asked second," Y/N snappily whispers.

I chuckle, "You tell me then I'll tell you," I say.

Silence comes over the two of us. The melody of rain bouncing on and off of the windows plays. Along with the swoosh of water being splashed up from cars driving by. Y/N looks down, then out the window, then to me. We make eye contact for a moment. Y/N tears her eyes away from mine. I couldn't help but feel a little concerned.

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