f i f t e e n

822 32 1

11:18 a.m.

Jimin's POV

"What are you watching?" I ask Yoongi, peeking at his phone.

"Listening. Listening to music," he grumpily replies.

I take another look at his screen, he's listening to one of Moons - Y/N's song. I don't recognize the title. Either it's an older song or a new one.

"Aish! Are you going to keep staring?" Yoongi hisses.

"Now, what did I say about killing each other," I hear a voice say.

I look up to see Y/N with their arms crossed. Y/N furrows their eyebrows, and leans down to Yoongi. I guess Yoongi realized they were next to him, he quickly shuts off his phone. Y/N smirks and walks back to their seat.

What was that? I wonder But that smirk though!

"Okay, I think it's safe to say heartbeat is ready to be recorded," Y/N states.

"Hallelujah!" I quietly sigh.

"I'm not sure how you guys want to do this. We can record and compose heartbeat or we can continue to work and wait 'till we have the rest of the songs," Y/N says.

How do we want to do this? I wonder.

"I think we should wait until we have a few more songs written then record," Taehyung states.

"But that's just me," he adds, putting his hands up.

I nod my head, "I agree with Tae".

"Yeah, I think we should hold off on recording heartbeat," Seokjin chimes in.

"I don't know, I kind of want to do the vocals for this song," Jungkook says.

"Well, I think we should at least get two more done then we can do vocals," Y/N states.

Your POV

"Well, I think we should at least get two more done then we can do vocals," I tell the group.

We could divide the work. Some members will record vocals while the others write. I think of ways how the members can get their songs done.

"Unless, I take half of you for vocals and the rest of you can write? It's just an idea," I suggest, unsure with myself.

I really need to work on the thing we call confidence.

"We could do that," Hoseok says.

"I think we should do that," Yoongi agrees.

"Alright. So, Jungkook, Jimin, Tae, and Jin come with me so we can record," I tell the four, getting up from my chair.

"And you three can brainstorm. If that's alright?" I say to the rapline.

"Don't worry Y/N. I'll text you if we need you," Hoseok smiles.

I nod my head and smile back. The five of us walk to the elevator and arrive at the recording studios.

"Follow me," I tell the boys, taking the lead.

"Aw, that's cute! You're next to Yoongi's studio," I hear Taehyung coo.

"Um, okay?" I reply in a questioning tone, opening the door to my studio.

"Okay. So, Tae and Jungkook you two will be singing the intro," I state.

I begin talking to the four members about their parts and how much we will record.


2:13 p.m.

"Jimin I know you can do this just trust yourself," I reassure Jimin.

We are almost done with vocals, I asked Jimin if he could do a belt for the bridge.

I know he can do it.

"Whenever you're ready," I tell Jimin.

He nods his head and gives me a thumbs up.

"My heart's on fire for your love," Jungkook sings.

"Oh, my heart's on fire for your love," Jimin sings, doing his small belt on 'love'.

I smile proudly at Jimin, I'm proud of them. I know it may be early but, I've never been so happy about something. I'm so glad I agreed to this. The four of them finish up.

"Alright, come on out here," I tell them, they all walk out.

I get up from my chair.

"It may seem early or strange to say this but I am proud of you all," I tell them. They all smile.

"Thank you," Seokjin says.

I hear my phone go off, I turn back to my desk.


Hoseok: Y/NNNNN, can you help us???? Pleeaase🥺🥺🥺

"Okay, I have to help the rapline. You four go get something to eat. We are done for today," I tell them, grabbing my things and heading to where the rapline is.

Hoseok's POV

"I texted Y/N, so will the both of you stop bickering," I wonder.

There is a knock on the door. I get up and open it, it's Y/N.

"What do you need help with?" They ask, walking in.

"We can't figure out what lyrics to use" I tell them, letting out a long sigh.

Y/N tilts their head to the left. They walk over to the desk, where the pages of lyrics are.

"Judging by the writing, these are the ones that you don't know what to do," they say, holding up three pages.

Namjoon's, Yoongi's, and mine.

"Yeah," we all say.

Y/N nods their head and sits down in the extra office chair. Why do I feel nervous all of a sudden? I wonder as Y/N inspects the pages, mouthing the words.

"Instead of 'crazy for me' I would use 'crazy for myself', Namjoon," Y/N suggests.

"How did you know I wrote that?" Namjoon questions.

"Your handwriting," Y/N replies, staring at the lyrics.

Okay, that's something, still doesn't help us I think. I see a small smile on Y/N's face. They have a pretty smile.

"What's with the smile?" I ask, she looks up at me.

"I liked how you used mi casa - my house," she replies, once again going back to the papers.

"You know Spanish?" Yoongi asks, Y/N nods their head 'yes'.

The room went quiet, as if we were caught stealing from the cookie jar or something. A little uncomfortable.

"Yoongs, 'but I go out the door since I know I have something to return to' instead of 'I leave knowing I have something to return to,'" Y/N gives another suggestion, breaking the silence.

Y/N looks up from the papers, a sigh escaping their mouth.

"The lyrics are good. I think you should use them! A little tweaking here and there, puzzle it together and you'll be golden," they tell us.

"Okay, thanks Y/N," I say.

"The vocal line is finished. I could record your raps one at a time or you three can continue to work on this," Y/N says, getting up from the chair.

The three of us look at each-other.

"Why don't we all go," Namjoon suggest.

"Okay then," Y/N says. The four of us leave and head to the recording studios.

A/N: Anneyong! I hope you liked this part. If you could leave a vote that'd be greatly appreciated. Have a nice day or night, stay safe and healthy luvs<3

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