t h i r t y - s i x

495 22 0

t u e s d a y

8:07 a.m.

Seokjin's POV

I roll myself out of my bed, not willingly. I check the time on my phone 8:07 a.m. I stretch and walk out of my room towards the bathroom. I stop when I see Y/N's bedroom door open. She forgot to shut her door, I note, walking over to shut her door.

"Oh," I quietly say, noticing that Y/N isn't in her room.

Did she stay at the studio? I wonder, closing the door. This past week Y/N has been staying at the studio, more than usual. I and the rest of the boys haven't seen her much, besides the times we all are in the studio. Sometimes she comes back early,  but mostly she stays at the studio all night. It's not healthy for her, she needs to take care of herself.

"Morning Jin," Namjoon greets from the couch.

"Morning," I reply.

I make my way into the kitchen, taking the kettle and filling it with water. After placing the kettle on the stove I take my mug and place a tea bag in it. I lean against the counter and look at the clock. 8:16 it reads, as the second hand continues to dance around in a circle. I hear the front door open, I stand up straight curious to who it is. As the door opens, Jungkook walks in. He must have gone for a run I conclude, the noticeable sweat on him and his clothes. I lean back against the counter, a little disappointed. I cross my arms and impatiently waiting for my water to boil.

"What's on your mind?" someone asks, it's Namjoon.

"Nothing," I reply.

"Really? You keep looking at the clock then the door," Namjoon states, crossing his arms.

"I am?" I question, taking the kettle off the stove.

Namjoon hums in response, "are you waiting for someone?" he asks.

I pour the water into my mug, debating on what to say.

"Not really, I'm just waiting. . . I suppose," I answer, hesitantly.

"I don't fol-oh, is it Y/N?" He asks, once realization hits.

"Uh, yeah, it is," I confirm, placing the kettle down.

"Are you worried, about her?" Namjoon questions, moving over next to me.

I sigh and look at him, "Of course I am, she is always in the studio. I know it's her job and all that but, I don't like it. She shouldn't be in there all the time," I pout.

Namjoon lets out a sigh, "It's work, we've all done it before. Y/N is no different," he tells me.

"Besides, if it goes too far we can always pull her out of the studio," Namjoon adds, a reassuring smile.

"So, pulling a Yoongi on Y/N?" I question, more so in a joking manner.

Namjoon quietly laughs, "if we have to," he shrugs.

Your POV

I tiredly rub my eyes and yawn. I've been running on iced americanos and whatever will power I have. All I want right now is my bed, I could sleep for a month right now.

"Come on Y/N, finish this and then you can sleep," I tell myself.

I stretch and continue working on a track. I'm not completely sure why BangPdm wants a drive of the album. I guess he needs to see if there are any "inappropriate" songs or something. I hear my phone go off, indicating that there is a new notification. I look at my phone screen.


My phone reads. I panic for a moment, unsure of what is going to happen within this month. What will happen after all this? I wonder, taking a sip from my iced americano.

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