memory unlocked: confession

357 13 1

August, 11

12:02 a.m.

Your POV

I hold my hand out feeling the rain fall into my palm, the coolness makes me forget about disgustingly hot weather. A sigh runs out my mouth as I tilt my head up to the sky allowing the raindrops to drizzle down my cheeks. The shuffles coming from Yoongi's feet scrape the floor of the rooftop. I drop my hand into my lap, turning towards Yoongi as music begins to play.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

Yoongi places his phone on an empty flower pot and turns to face me. He starts walking in the area I am sitting in.

"You always talk about wanting to dance with someone in the rain, so," Yoongi says, holding out the 'so'.

"Get your little butt up," he says, pulling me up off the ground.

I stand on my feet staring at Yoongi, my bare feet meeting the lukewarm ground. From afar, I can hear the song that Yoongi chose. It's not one that I would have thought Yoongi listens to, it's out of character for him. "Wings" by Birdy is the song that is currently playing out of his phone.

"Dance, let it out," Yoongi chuckles, shaking his limbs.

I slowly give in, "dancing" around on the rooftop. I kick, I twirl, I spin, I shake my "tail feathers" as Hoseok would call it, all with Yoongi.

"Get it Y/N!" Yoongi hollers.

I laugh at him trying to hype me up.

"I see you Yoongs!" I holler back.

I can feel my cheeks already beginning to hurt from smiling. I watch Yoongi as he busts out a sequence of moves from one of the groups choreographies. The rain soaks his hair causing it to start sticking to his forehead.

Oh lights go down

In the moment we're lost and found

I just wanna be by your side

If these wings could fly

For the rest of our lives

Yoongi pulls me into him, his hand snakes its way around my waist and his other hand taking hold of mine. The coldness of his silver ring makes his hands feel warmer than they are. We dance on the rooftop as the gentle drizzle of rain falls onto our skin, soaking our clothes. The humid air twirls with us, dipping with me as Yoongi lowers me.

A cool summer breeze brushes my skin as he pulls me back up. The music plays but I'm too busy watching his gummy smile that has spread from cheek to cheek. I'm too busy watching him look at me and to his feet, I'm too busy listening to his chuckle to pay attention to the melody. Yoongi's hands hold my waist, my hand, and my heart. He holds my heart. I'm scared to admit that outloud.

He holds my heart, I tell myself.

We slowly turn, the moon shines brightly above him. I swear it looks like it's smiling. Yoongi twirls me out from him, letting go of my hand for a split moment, a moment of humid August air takes his place. He skips over to me and picks me up in the air, spinning me, us, around in a circle. The lights of Tokyo merge together into a wonderful and bright blurr. I can feel my hair lift off my ears and swirling out behind me as we spin. A breeze takes the place of my hair. The smell of the rain catches my nose as I lift my head up to the sky. I can't help but laugh, there's nothing funny, but I'm laughing.

It feels as though I am free. Free, with my hands placed on Yoongi's shoulders, his hands on my waist holding me in the air. Free, with the sound of his voice. Free, with him. I stare into Yoongi's eyes and he stares into mine. The urge to just tell him, spill every piece of myself to him. The urge to, to kiss him.

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