t w e n t y

752 28 1

s a t u r a d a y

7:32 p.m.

Your POV

I groan in annoyance and shut down my phone.

"What's the matter?" Seokjin asks, popping his head out from the kitchen.

"Nothing really. It's just my phone has been buzzing nonstop," I tell him.

With the interview the boys did and the fans being told that I'm performing with them. I'm going to be honest; this is nothing for some but I did not know what I signed up for. Was this the right call? I wonder.

"I would get used to it," Yoongi says, walking out into the living room.

"I know," I reply, getting up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Seokjin asks, curiously.

I turn around to face him.

"I'm going to take a ride. I'll be back in a bit," I reply, heading to my room.

I don't know why but I keep thinking of what BangPdm said. 

"Okay, but always be aware of what you do. The media will find a way to use it against you"

I sigh heavily, closing my bedroom door. I walk back out to the living room. The scent of food being cooked swarms around the area. I sit down at the table to put my shoes on.

"Don't be gone too long, okay?" Seokjin says, leaning against the kitchen entrance.

He really reminds me of a mom. The one that I would happily take over the one I got. Yoongi pokes his head out over Seokjin's shoulder.

"Okay, mom. See ya," I tell the two males in the kitchen.

Seokjin's POV

"Wow, even Y/N thinks you're a mom," Yoongi chuckles.

"That's interesting coming from the one that is a cat," I reply.

I turn back to the sink to finish washing the dishes.

"Hey! Have either of you seen Y/N?" Jimin asks, coming into the kitchen holding a notebook.

I turn my head towards Jimin and shut the water off that was previously rushing over the dishes.

"They just left, why?" I question.

"Oh, nothing. Nevermind," He says, walking out.

Okay, then. Jimin's footsteps decrescendo the farther he walks from the kitchen. I draw my attention back to the dishes. I turn the water in faucet back on and continue to wash the dishes.

"You think Y/N is ready?" Yoongi asks, out of the blue.

"Ready for what?" I ask, over the subtle water.

"The world I guess. I mean....they will be showing their face for the first time. I just don't want them to get hurt or something," He says.

Aw, he cares for someone that isn't coffee. I already know how caring Yoongi is - especially towards friends. He's a mini protector.

"If they weren't ready, I don't think they would have told BangPdm 'yes'. Besides, we'll be there with them," I reassure Yoongi.

"Maybe....but, they seem nervous, like they're hiding something," Yoongi says, leaning against the counter.

"Yoongi, as much as I like tea. I don't think it would be our place to prey at their personal life," I state.

He does have a point, they seem to be hiding something. I could be overthinking though.

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