t h r e e

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Your POV

"Oh it's for me and you, you'll see me soon, look how high we can fly," I finish singing.

I stop the recording and place my guitar back on its stand. I haven't used my guitar in a while. It's been sitting in the corner of my room getting dusty. I thought the song was fitting for the use of my guitar. I exported my audio, beginning to edit it, adding in a few other vocals. I think this is a new record on how short it took me to write a song.

"I guess I'll have to thank that butterfly," I tell myself.


I let out a sigh as I step out of the shower. Wiping the bathroom mirror, my music stops and my phone begins to ring. I groan in annoyance, who is calling me? I question. I look at the caller ID, it's Dae-hyun.

"Hey, what's up?" I answer, putting my phone on speaker.

"Nothing, I heard you're new song!" Dae-hyun tells me in a singsong voice.

"Okay, is that the reason you called me?" I question putting on my sweatpants.

"No, but, I'm surprised you still have that guitar!" he says.

"Of course I do!" I tell him, taking out my toothbrush.

"So why did you call?" I ask

"Well, you remember the guy that I was telling you about?" he starts

"The guy from the library, right?" I reply.

"Yeah, anyway we've been hanging out a lot recently and..." Dae-hyun holds on to the 'and'.

"Oh come on, spit it out!" I whine with toothpaste falling out of my mouth.

Note; don't talk while brushing your teeth.

"He asked me out on a date!" Dae-hyun squeals.

I could tell he was smiling. He really likes the guy, like me Dae-hyun and I both are part of the queer community. Dae-hyun is gay while I am....there. I don't really like nor do I want to label myself. I role with the 'I like who I like' phrase.

"Really?!" I question, spitting out my toothpaste and rinsing my mouth.

"That's great! When are you going? Oh, and where?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom, my phone in my hand.

I hear a nervous laugh come from him, "We're going on a date in two days, and I actually have no idea where we are going, he told me to dress casual is all."

"Wow, it must be nice not to be single," I joke, jumping onto my bed.

"Aish, I bet you that you'll be in a relationship soon," Dae-hyun laughs. I chuckle at his comment.

"Sure buddy," I reply

"Well it's getting late, get some rest, good night boo!" he says

"Night human," I giggle and the call ends.

I let out a sigh, reminiscing about my past and soon falling asleep.


"Here you go kiddo," my father hands me a strange shape, wrapped in space themed wrapping paper.

"What is it?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Open it, you'll see," he tells me.

I excitedly unwrap the mysterious shape. It's a case, I unzip it and see that it's a guitar. I smile, placing it down gently. I run to my father and hug him. I hear an 'oof' come from him.

"Thank you," I tell him.

"No problem kid," he says,

I let go of him and go back to the guitar. The wood freshly polished, hand carved curves. A planet engraved at the bottom left of the body and 'Moon' written in cursive.

My father crouches down to my level, "now, I want you to make some music with this baby," he tells me with a smile. His eyes turning into a crescent shape.

"Definitely!" I nod my head.

He ruffles my hair, "good, I know you'll make it big," he says. I smile.


I sit up from my bed, looking over to the guitar.

"Dad," I whisper.

A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this part. Any form of homophobia, trans-phobia, or ignorance, harassment against anyone regardless of sexuality, will NOT be tolerated here. Everyone is welcome and loved. Have a nice day or night, stay safe and healthy luvs <3

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