s i x t e e n

810 30 0

f r i d a y

Your POV

It has officially been two and a half weeks working with BTS. Tomorrow the boys have their interview about the album and their collaboration with me. I already told BangPdm and the members that I would not be joining them for the interview. I may be on the side watching or in the studio working.

"Y/N, you should join us though, you're part of us," Jimin tells me.

I smile, you're part of us.

"Oh well. I already told Pdm that I wouldn't be joining you guys. Can't change my answer now," I tell him.

I mean I could, but I'm not.

"You're no fun," He huffs.

I feel my phone vibrate in my sweater pocket. I look at the caller ID, why is he calling me when he is at work? I wonder.

"Excuse me for a moment," I tell the members.

I walk out to the hallway and answer. The hallway is cooler than the room we were in.

"Dae-hyun, why are you calling me while you are at work?" I ask him.

"First of all, why am I only now hearing that you are working with BTS. Secondly, I'm on break," he tells me.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Dae-hyun, it's not that big of a deal. Besides, you were going to hear about it anyway," I tell him, leaning against the wall.

"I mean yeah, but why didn't you tell me? Are we not besties?" Dae-hyun questions, in his baby voice.

Oh, he's playing the baby card. I chuckle at his words and brush a hand over my hair.

"Of course we are, look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I apologize.

"I accept your apology," he replies, back to his normal voice.

"But, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone, not even your boyfriend. Not until I am comfortable showing myself," I state.

To whatever god is up there, flipping Zeus. Help me, and make sure this boy doesn't tell anyone I pray.

"Baby, you know I won't. Okay, I have to go, love you," he says

"Love you too," I reply, and the call ends.

Spectators POV

"What is taking them so long?" Seokjin wonders, scribbling in his notebook.

"Who knows, maybe it's their mother or something," Jungkook replies.

Speak of the devil and they shall appear. Y/N walks in and all the members eyes go to them. Well, almost all. Yoongi was lost in his thoughts of debating what to use for the group song they are writing.

"Why are you all staring at me?" Y/N asks, walking to their chair and sitting down

"Who was that?" Jimin questions, letting his curiosity spill.

"Just my friend, don't worry," Y/N replies, shifting in their seat.

"Okay, you said that you all agreed on a title for the title song? So, what is it?" Y/N questions, looking at the seven members.

"Best of me," Hoseok informs them.

Y/N nods their head and writes down the title at the top of their paper. Then, typing it onto a online document on their laptop.

"How come you use your laptop and paper. Why not just use one?" Taehyung asks Y/N, placing his head in his left hand.

Your POV

'Best of me' I like it. I write the song title on the top of my paper and type it into an open document on my laptop.

"How come you use your laptop and paper. Why not just use one?" I hear Taehyung asks me.

I look up from the screen, taking my fingers off the keys.

"Incase I lose the paper copy, I have it online. Or if it deletes itself - I have it on paper," I reply.

I know all too well about losing lyrics or it deleting itself.

"Smart," He replies.

I peak over at Yoongi's writing since he is sitting next to me. It seemed like he was at a slight writer's block. An artist and author's worst enemy. I tap his shoulder, he turns his head to me.

"Yes?" He replies in a questioning tone.

"May I see what you have?" I ask, referring to his lyrics.

"Sure," Yoongi says, sliding his notebook to me.

I don't believe that I'm like this

The words I've said to myself a million times

Please, don't leave me

I continue to read the rest of his lyrics, "I like it," I tell him.

I turn my head to see Yoongi with a dumbfounded look.

"What is it?" I ask, sliding him back his notebook.

"Nothing. Just - trying to think of what to add," he replies, staring at his notebook.

"I don't think so, his all time favorite artist just complimented his work," Namjoon teases.

I am his favorite artist? I find that hard to believe. Now, I'm the one that is dumbfounded.

"I doubt that, but okay," I say, looking over lyrics.


10:59 p.m.

"You go ahead, I'm going to work," I tell the members.

They all are in the hallway, while I am in my studio. I stand in the doorway. The group of men practically take up the whole of the hallway.

"Come on Y/N, it's late," Seokjin says, as I open the door.

"Not that late. You guys go. Eat and get some rest, you all have the interview tomorrow," I say, stepping into the hallway.

I see Jimin start to open his mouth.

"Ah! No - no buts. Go home," I state, Jimin closes his mouth and pouts.

"I won't be long. Go," I repeat myself for the fifth time.

"Okay, don't overwork yourself," Namjoon says.

"Okay, be safe," I say before they all head back into the elevator and leave.

A/N: Hello, sorry for the short chapter/part. I hope you enjoyed it though. If you could leave a vote that'd be greatly appreciated. Anyways, have a great day or night, stay safe and healthy luvs<3

P.S: Nightowls, go to sleep!!! OR at least take a nap, take care of yourself/selves<3

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