n i n e t e e n

745 26 0

s a t u r d a y

3:55 p.m.

Your POV

"Hey, Y/N are you there?" I hear Namjoon's voice.

I snap out my thoughts - blinking multiple times.

"Huh? What?" I respond, completely unaware of my surroundings.

The other members went out to pick up food, Namjoon and I stayed in the building. I'm not sure why you need six people to get food though.

"Are you okay? You seem out of it," Namjoon says.

I'm not sure how to answer. Today is the day that I have to give BangPdm and Sejin an answer. I either perform with BTS or I don't. I know it's a simple yes or no type answer but, I don't know. Curse me being indecisive!

"Is it about performing with us? Or possibly performing with us," Namjoon asks me.

The emphasis on 'possibly' makes me freeze in my seat. I can feel my eyes widen as I stare at the empty chair in front of me. I nod my head to Namjoon's question.

"Shouldn't you tell the other members?" he questions, turning to face me fully.

"Yeah, it's just I don't know what to do," I reply, putting my pen down.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

I sigh heavily running my hand over my hair as I lean back into my chair.

"I have to give them an answer today, but I'm not sure what to do," I explain.

I turn my head to Namjoon. He raises an eyebrow with a confused expression.

"Don't you want to perform?" he asks.

He places his left arm on the table, turning himself in the chair towards me.

"Of course I do, I've always wanted to but-"

"Then what's holding you back! Every time we mention the words 'performing live' your eyes light up like you just saw the most amazing thing ever," Namjoon cuts me off.

Is it that noticeable?

"So what's stopping you?" he asks, softly.

I was thinking of an answer, then the door to the meeting room opens.

"We have food!" Jungkook exclaims, placing two of the four bags on the table.

"What were you two talking about?" Seokjin asks.

"Performing," Namjoon states.

I turn to him and give him a 'what the hell?' look.

"Tell them," he says, loud enough for me to hear.

"What about it?" Hoseok questions, his expression going soft.

I let out a sigh, "It is a possibility that I will be performing with you guys."

A string of gasps and squeals come from the boys.

"Are you performing with us?" Jungkook asks, jumping up and down.

I think I have to now. I don't want to see him sad. Any of them.

"I have to give an answer today, but I'm not sure," I state.

I can hear a shuffle of plastic bags as Seokjin passes me my food.

"What do you mean? We would love to have you on stage with us. We were going to ask you if you could add one of your songs to the album as well," Jimin tells me.

Wait, they want me on the album? Well I guess that makes sense if I were to perform with them. I stare aimlessly at him.

"Really? Still, I'm conflicted," I say, mumbling the last part to myself.

"Y/N if you are going to perform with us - can I ask you a question?" Taehyung wonders.

"Uh, sure ask away," I reply.

"Why did you hide yourself? I mean your music is amazing! Wouldn't you want people to know the person behind the screen?" Taehyung asks.

"I'm not sure. I ask myself that sometimes.... I guess I was afraid," I answer.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi questions, his head shooting up.

Yoongi's POV

"What do you mean?" I ask Y/N.

What could they be afraid of? I mean, I understand people invading your privacy and such. What else could they be afraid of? I wonder.

"I have my reasons, but I get what you are saying - asking, Tae. Yes, I did want people to know that it is my work, especially the people that talked down on me. But, I saw that people were actually listening to my music and what I created. So, it was enough for me" Y/N states.

Why do they remind me of me when I first started? I remember the times I was okay with people listening to our songs based on visuals.

"You used past tense - did and was. So, you want something more," I say, figuratively reaching over nothing.

Everyone uses past tense. A small and quick smile formed on Y/N's face. It fizzles into a satisfied smirk.

"Yoongi, you're reaching," Jimin tells me.

"Not really," Y/N laughs.

"So you want to perform with us?" I question.

"Of course I do! I'm just not sure if I'm ready though," Y/N says, looking down.

"Chin up! We want you to perform with us, and if you want to we will help you every step of the way," Hoseok tells them.

Y/N looks up, and a smile forms. Ah! My heart! I feel my heartbeat speed up. I don't why.

"Okay! I'll tell BangPdm then," they say, getting up from their seat.

"Uh-uh, no! Eat first," Namjoon states, pulling them back into their seat.

A/N: Hello, sorry for the short chapter. I hope you liked it. If you could leave a vote that'd be greatly appreciated. Anyway, have a nice day or night, stay safe and healthy luvs<3

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