f i f t y

404 12 0

t h u r s d a y

7:42 a.m.

Spectator's POV

There's nothing to worry about, just hand him the drive and the packet. Y/N reminds herself, going over what she will say when she enters. Taking a deep breath, Y/N finally knocks on BangPdm's door. A faint 'come in' echos to the otherside of the door. Y/N turns the doorknob and enters the office, the scent of freshly printed paper hits her nose.

"Good morning, Y/N," BangPdm greets, looking up from his papers.

"Good morning, BangPdm," Y/N replies with a small bow.

"I brought a drive with all the songs that will be on the album, like you requested. As well as a packet with the tracklist and lyrics," Y/N states.

Y/N walks closer to BangPdms desk and places the packet down and the drive on top of it. BangPdm takes a quick look at the papers that Y/N has just given him. His eyes bounce down the list, mentally counting the amount of songs.

"How come I only see sixteen?" BangPdm questions.

Y/N's ears perk up at the question, now doubting herself.

"Pardon?" Y/N says.

BangPdm picks up the packet. He adjusts his glasses and looks at the list of songs once again.

"I only see sixteen," He repeats, looking at Y/N.

Y/N nods her head slowly, her mind running laps. Did I forget one? Oh, no, I'm going to get killed. Y/N internally panics.

"Yes, we went over our initial amount but those are the songs that will be on the album," Y/N explains.

BangPdm places the packet down on his desk with a chuckle.

"What I mean is, why don't I see a song from you?" BangPdm asks, emphasizing his sentence.

BangPdm finds it a bit amusing how Y/N doesn't call the boy group by their name. The eight of them have gotten very close that if you saw Y/N and one of the members out in public you would mistake them as siblings. Maybe, even a couple. BangPdm chuckles as he stands up from his desk. He walks to the front and leans on the desk with his arms crossed.

"Does this mean you don't want to perform with the members anymore?" BangPdm questions with a stern voice.

"No, no, that's not what I mean," Y/N immediately replies.

As Y/N panicky waves her hands out in front visually saying 'no', BangPdm stares with serious expression. Y/N composes herself with a deep sigh, calming her anxiety that will not be leaving anytime soon.

"Then, how come I don't see a solo from you?" BangPdm asks, wanting to know.

"Well, I don't recall that I would be having a solo on the album, I remember being hired as the main producer on the album," Y/N states.

BangPdm presses his lips together and nods his head approvingly. He uncrosses his arms and shoves his hands into the pockets of his black dress pants. Y/N nervously waits for what her boss is about to say. The idea that she is about to get scolded for what she stated, runs through her mind. BangPdm smiles, making Y/N question her life choices. BangPdm walks behind his desk and picks up a packet. He walks over to Y/N and holds it out to her.

"This is where they will be performing, as well as schedules for the days of the tour," BangPdm states.

Y/N takes the packet and quickly glances over the locations.

"Before you go, Y/N," BangPdm begins.

Y/N looks up from the packet with her full attention.

"Yes, Sir?" Y/N answers.

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