t h i r t e e n

945 31 3

t h u r s d a y

Your POV

"Now just why would you want to do such a thing?" I hear a voice ask.

I open my eyes to see I am in a white room. It's only me, there is no other person, or animal here. No life at all. Absolutely nothing, not even the sound of wind blowing by us heard. Pure silence. I hate it.

"You know that you'll never make it. You will come crawling right back," I hear the voice snarl.

It sounds like a female, but it also sounds so familiar. I look around once again. The room turns from the white empty room to a bedroom. It looks like the one I had when I lived in New York. My childhood bedroom? A woman appears in the room. She's of average height, wearing a white dress with slight lace detail. Her hair goes down to her back. The woman looks like someone from a horror film.

"Sweetie, why don't you stay here? Settle down with that nice boy," the woman says, turning around to face me.

I gasp in shock, she has no face. There's shadows and detail where her eyes, mouth, and nose would be - but they aren't there!

"Y/N, honey, stay with me, with your mother," she says, holding out her arms and tilting her head.

It looks like a glitch, everything goes dark, black and bloody. The room went back to how it was before.

What the hell just happened? I question.

There are no lights but everything is flickering. With every light flicker I can see the words on the wall that are painted in red. I hate red.

"Come on, come to mommy," the woman says, her voice deep and distorted.

"No," I say, backing up against the window.

If it's possible, the woman tilts her head more. You can hear her bones crack. The room becomes dark again. The only color that can be seen is black, and blood red. The woman claiming to be my mother lunges at me. I start running, running down the dark halls with red writing.

I thought I was by the window? I made a mistake and looked back. It's no human! It has the head of a human but it's now a weird spider like creature. The woman creature has eight legs like an average spider all of them on the wall crawling towards me. Crawling towards me fast! I keep running through the endless maze, making turns, reading the writing on the walls.

'Useless, disappointment, why can't you give me money? Bitch, you're so selfish, you'll never make it, worthless' were written on the walls.

I come to a dead-end, I pound on the walls. Desperate for a way out. The woman, no the creature, corners me.


f r i d a y

2:32 a.m.

Your POV

I spring up from my bed, panting heavily.

"It was just a dream," I tell myself, running my hands through my hair.

One of the many dreams I have always had. I hate it, sometimes it makes me too scared to sleep. I hate nightmares. I pick up my phone from the side table, next to my bed. 2:32 a.m, the screen reads. I get out of bed, carefully and quietly open my door. Tiptoeing my way to the kitchen. I grab a cup from the cabinet and fill it up with water. Normally I would make tea, but I don't want to wake the others. I don't feel like going to my room, so I sit on the counter. My legs dangle close to the floor. The counter is too high off the ground.

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