t w e n t y - s i x

611 26 2

m o n d a y

5:47 p.m.

Your POV

Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and I are in my studio going over their songs. Who should have what part and how it will be, things like that. Was that a good thing to agree to? Y/N why didn't you think about it before answering? Why am I like this? Questions keep going in and out, left and right through my mind. I gently tap my pen on my notebook. I breathe heavily, I can feel my heart literally bouncing in my chest.

"Something wrong?" Namjoon asks.

I lift my head up from the notebook and look at him. I give a tight smile.

"No, just thinking," I reply.

"Okay, so verse one, chorus and outro will be Y/N," Yoongi explains.

I don't think I can back out of this song, but I'm just the producer. Brain can you stop for like five minutes. I follow, or at least try to follow along with what Yoongi is explaining. I twirl my pen around in my hand, flipping it between my fingers.

"Y/N," I hear Yoongi's voice.

"Yes?" I quickly respond.

"You don't have to do the song with us, you can say no. It's okay," he tells me.

"No, I'll do it," I reply, shifting around in my chair.

"Okay, let us know when you don't want to though," Hoseok says, I nod my head.

Oh my cheese balls! That's perfect! A light bulb moment happens. I turn around to my computer.

"What are you doing?" Hoseok asks.

"I got an idea," I reply, piecing together what I hope will be the instrumental.

I hear the rap line gasp and let out a string of 'ohs' and 'wow'. Once I have an idea, I focus on it and basically block out everything around me. I quickly type on my keyboard and shimmy my mouse around the pad. That goes there, and this, no. Ah, there. I think, moving audios around. I'm making a demo beat, but it's something.

"Y/N, you're amazing!" Namjoon tells me.

It's comforting.

"I'm n-...thanks," I reply.

I wanted to deny it but I decided against it. I keep my eyes focused on the computer screen. There's a knock at my door. The knock takes me out of my trance. I push myself up from my chair and open my door. It's one of the office workers, what's her name again? Heo Sae-wa! I remember. I smile seeing Sae-wa for the first time in a while.

"Hello Sae-wa, how can I help you?" I greet.

Sae-wa looks a little uneasy. I turn around to the members in my studio.

"Hey boys, you can listen to the demo. I'll be back," I tell the guys.

I motion with my head for Sae-wa to step back so I can leave my studio. She moves away from the door. I step out of the studio and close the door behind me. The hallway feels blank and eerie. The faint instrumental can be heard from where I'm standing. I finally notice just how anxious Sae-wa is.

"Sae-wa, are you okay?" I question.

She doesn't look to good. I notice how she is fidgeting with her name tag that's on a lanyard.

"Um, I hate to disturb you, but there's a woman in the lobby saying that she needs to talk with you," she tells me, her voice unsteady.

"Okay, I'll go talk with her. Thank you for telling me, no need to feel nervous," I tell her, walking back to the elevator with her.

We get to the lobby floor, there's a woman sitting on one of the two couches. The woman is reading a magazine, or trying to. She's squinting at the words. She keeps turning the paper side to side attempting to read it. The woman has long dark brown hair, she's wearing white pants with a black shirt and a white cardigan.

"Excuse me, miss," I say in English.

The language feels unfamiliar in a sense. I haven't spoken it in a while. The woman doesn't seem like she's from around here. A tourist. She looks up at me, she looks oddly and creepily familiar.

"My baby! Y/N!" She exclaims, jumping up and hugging me.

"Miss, I think you have the wrong person," I tell her, pushing her off me.

How did she know my name though? I wonder. The woman's voice is squeaky sounding, but her voice isn't high pitched.

"No, Y/N, it's me! Your mother," the woman says.

My heart drops. I back away from her. Not wanting anything to do with her. How did she find me? The one person I spent my whole life trying to get away from. How did she know where-how? I panic, still trying to stay calm. I clear my throat. I drop my expression and try and appear stoic-like.

"I'm sorry, but you have the wrong person. My mother passed away, I-I have to get going," I state, speed walking away.

"You can't hide from me!" She yells, as I walk into the elevator.

As I walk away I could hear security escorting her out. Once the elevator door closes, I crouch to the floor. Come on Y/N. In and out, one and two. I try and control my breathing, it doesn't help that I'm a shaking mess. My legs are giving out on me. The elevator doors open to the studios. I stand up and pat myself off forcing myself to walk back to my studio. Okay Y/N, you're okay. My hands shake as I open the door.

Yoongi's POV

"Wow, Y/N, is like a magician," Hoseok coos.

They certainly are something.

"So, Yoongi, how does it feel to be in love?" Namjoon ask, crossing his left leg over the other.

"What?" I question.

Who says I'm in love? What even is that?

"Oh come on, everyone knows it! You know you're not very good at hiding your feelings. At least for Y/N," Namjoon explains, placing his hands together.

"Aww, he's blushing," Hoseok says, pointing at me.

"No-no I'm not," I reply, hiding my face in my sweater.

Do I like them? Y/N walks in. It could just be me but they look scared, worried. Y/N's hands are behind their back, I could see the fabric of their clothing shake. Y/N looks like they could collapse at any moment. I can feel myself tense up. Y/N sighs and then smiles.

"So, what did you think of it? The demo" Y/N asks.

I keep my eyes on Y/N as they sit back down in their chair. I notice how they look the subtlest at ease.

"It's good. I'm surprised how fast you made it," Namjoon tells them.

What could be bothering them? I try and think, attempting to read their expressions. I take note that their leg is bouncing, very fast. Despite their at "ease" expression, Y/N is not okay.

"Anyone else hungry?" Hoseok asks, the room goes silent.

"Why don't we head back to the dorms then. I think we've done enough for today," Namjoon suggests, getting up from his seat.

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to keep working," Y/N says, turning around to their computer.

"Okay, don't stay too long. You coming Yoongi?" Hoseok asks.

I realize that Namjoon and Hoseok had already left their seats and now stand at the door.

"Yeah, I'll catch up in a sec," I tell them, getting up from my seat.

"Alright, don't be here too long Y/N," Namjoon says to Y/N, as the three of us leave the studio.

A/N: Hello! I hope you liked this. If you could leave a vote that'd be greatly appreciated. Anyways, have a nice day or night, stay safe and healthy luvs<3

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