[6 - capricious; that idiot hippo]

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The prickles of hair on the back of Soren's neck tingled, sending an ominous wave over the boy as he frowned. He straightened his posture and glanced out of the balcony, weary of any strange signs, but found nothing.

Finding nothing, Soren turned to look at Damien, wondering if the teenager had finally decided to kill him.

"Is there a problem, master?"

Soren pursed his lips. "I have a disturbed feeling."

Damien said, "Shall I look around?"

Soren was a little surprised at Damien's trust. Who would take his words seriously, especially with the identity he had? Then, after ruminating it, this was likely Damien being a perfect butler — it was no wonder the original had tolerated the teenager for so long, despite being a prickly character.

The sort of languid, uncaring behaviour that never crossed the line, remaining in the shadows. Damien was a person who could kill a person indifferently, but smile if he found something interesting.

Really useful.

However, Soren truly had a bad feeling, the sort he had during the apocalypse when one of his team members betrayed him, or a monster attacked out of the blue. After all the time, the only thing a person could really trust was their intuition, which was as good as any other power.

He scanned the area in front of him carefully, but found nothing wrong.

'What sort of disgusting thing is going to happen today?'

"No need." said Soren as he leaned back again.

The item after the chain whip was something Soren knew well. A rare plant that was said to have extremely high medical properties, and was also extremely toxic. It would be the deadliest poison or the most effective medicine.

Duxelas, a beautiful flower embedded with rose gems.

The toxins, however, lied within the gems and could not be used. For those who were enchanted by the glittering stones and attempted to touch it, their skin would corrode at a touch.

If Soren remembered correctly, in the future there would be a person who found the specific medical properties and used it to make a well-known medicine that eventually sold to commoners after they also discovered a production method.

Presently, although there were signs of the flower having medical properties, the extreme side effects that didn't seem to have a particular cause, made people weary.

Despite that, they would surely auction the flower for a high price.

As expected, the auctioneer called out, "The deadly, yet beautiful Duxelas, starting bid for one million gold!"

"I'm sure all of you here know what this enchanting plant can do. It's been said to bring back limbs for some, and leave others limbless! If you can discover the secrets of this rare plant, how far do you think you can go?"

"Going for 1.1 million to number 24!"

"1.2 million to number 9!"

A voice called out, "3 million!"

"Wow! A big number there! 3 million for number 67!" exclaimed the auctioneer, only raising the excitement in the room.

If studied properly, Soren thought that this rare species could even save the Fourth Prince. Unfortunately, he had no means of discovering the properties behind the flower, and the person who found the method would only learn of it after three years — two years too late.

Atlas would die in less than a year.

Not to mention, it was easier for Soren to gain the bag of herbs won at the fighting ring. Most winners thought of it as trash and wasted it, but within the bag was a Kenia petal, affective for the illness Atlas suffered from.

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