[62 - apology; shackled freedom]

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In less than three days, an imposing figure strode into the forest.

At a glance, there was nothing unusual about the well-dressed man, his expression regal and uncaring to the matters of the world, trained with the dominance of a royal. However, if one were to look at particular details, as a certain fox enjoyed doing, they would notice some abnormalities.

Like the way the shirt poked out under their layers — a detail that would typically not exist in this proper person — or the way their hair was swept to the other side, a few strands frizzed and frazzled.

To begin with, his attire was simple, put together in a short period of time and lacking the luxury he typically radiated.

"I received your message, thank you." said the man, nodding at Damien politely.

The fox nodded carelessly in response. The only reason this person had been able to arrive so quickly was due to Damien's unique ways of travelling, using fast yet difficult to cross routes.

Yet Vincent had chosen to follow.

He moved straight to the matter on hand. "Where is Soren?"

Brioc tilted his head, the corner of his lip quirking in intrigue. He was never a fan of those like Vincent, prim and proper nobles. "Who would've thought the big brother would act so loving in these situations?"

Vincent stiffened, and turned his head. "It is only natural to come."

"Really~" taunted the magician with a raise of his eyebrows. "You're quite hypocritical, aren't you?"

"Brioc." warned Raphael who had listened quietly at the side, nodding at his friend's arrival. "Thanks for arriving quickly, Vin."

Vincent paused, then nodded in return.

Damien, with the watching sway of his tail, stepped forward, hands in his pocket with youthful arrogance and a curious gleam. "Is it the time for arguments?"

"What do you need me to do?"

The fox spared him a glance. "It'll be dangerous, are you willing?"

The question remained the same. "What do you need me to do?"

After a quiet observation from the fox — in which Vincent felt his entire soul being examined under a careful and perceiving gaze — the youth said, "You both need to pull him from the past. At present, Master is currently trapped under the weight of his own memories and cannot return. Something is needed to wake him up from whatever illusion he is in."

"What illusion?"

Vincent had been briefly explained the situation with the long letter from Damien, but he still was unaware of the specific details.

"Illusions that you both have a strong impact during. Illusions of memories that he cannot forget. What do you think those are?"

The first prince wasn't slow to understand and pressed his lips together. "I understand."

It was because of the destruction Vincent's existence caused on Soren that he could enter and save the fifth prince. Thinking in such a manner... was a little conflicting.

"Then let's not waste time," said Raphael, turning around. Although he had behaved the most normally, there was a certain haste in his movements, unwilling to waste a single second.

"I will warn you once again. Not only will you have to enter your own illusions — memories that may haunt and torment you — if you get lost in them, then neither of you will be saved." Damien's voice was solemn and low.

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