[70 - identity; one and the same]

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As Soren blinked the sleep away from tired eyes, he suddenly decided, 

"Actually, I want to sleep again."

[...do you think I'm free whenever you ask for me?]

The prince nodded calmly. "Don't you respond right away every time?"

The Death God couldn't deny that. Though, his stubbornness and lack of patience for people was the same as this particular prince and he replied, [I won't answer next time.]



"Annoying." muttered the man to himself as he pushed himself into a proper sitting position, leaning against the headboard. His eyes wandered to the empty shadows that curled around every corner of his room.

After deciding that something had disappeared, he turned his gaze away. But just because he couldn't see it didn't mean it wasn't there. 

There were still remanents of blood on his fingers, and he curled them, slowly closing his eyes. His throat was dry, and mind spun from the sudden awakeness of seeing that illusion. It crept and wrapped around his thoughts in vivid recollection. 

[Breathe, Ren Suzuki.]

Soren steadied himself and opened his eyes again. "If I wasn't breathing, I'd be dead."


Exactly why did this God bother trying to help this bothersome prince? It was quite evident that it was pointless to do. There was an irritated sigh.

[What do you want to know?]

"Aren't you bound by rules?"

[I don't have to tell you the answers after hearing your questions.]

Soren scowled despite already knowing the answer. "That's useless."

The God had enough of him and said sharply, [Questions?]

What questions did he want to ask? With every answer came another dozen questions. It was impossible for everything to be answered, but it could be left to his own speculation.

There was still the biting urge in his mind that wished to turn a blind eye, despite how much he wanted to know the truth.

It'd been one load after the other. 

And none of them had been light, pressing down on his shoulders and drilling him to the ground. 

There was the troublesome, and very unwanted ordeal of the Forest of Beginnings and Endings. Before that, the Haze King, Brioc's relation to the third religion and Celine's betrayal. 

Raphael had begun to remember, and he wasn't alone anymore. Vincent had chosen redemption, even if Soren never forgave him. 

Damien wrote the ending of the story he wanted to read to the end, and then everybody discovered the truth about this world. Soren was merging with the original, and he'd been, this whole time, linked to that person without him knowing. 

The Soul Trees. Soul Saint. Anima.

He wanted to know the truth, but the truth was vague. What specifically did he want to know? He couldn't guess it. 

His eyes flashed to the skin on his hand, delicate and tender yet it would heal over and over. 

A thought flickered through his head.

If in his body existed a soul seed, and that was the core of the history behind his birth, then was this also the reason his ability existed. Because something in him kept him living all this time. He already discovered that with the Necromancer Queen. 

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