[79 - slumber; dazzling deal]

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There was, in fact, always a third option that existed.

Whether he should choose to forget everything that had happened in the past, and possibly the present, depending on how the situation turned out. Or if he should become a God and forgo all that he was.

Then, he could choose neither. For him, it would be the best option and the one he'd immediately agree to.

Lydia watched him and smiled politely, but there was a blur of emotions tangled in her eyes and she watched the prince's mind turn, creating puzzles that simply couldn't be solved. There was a reason why the third option wasn't stated, and even Soren was likely aware.

These two options meant only he had to abandon something. The third, unspoken choice would drag everybody down with him, and perhaps they'd all have their wings stripped and legs bound, chained to fate or destiny which they had no desire to follow.

"Before you decide, I believe it may be wise to gain two more of the cursed tattoo series. Although you, as always, have exceeded my expectations and gloriously claimed two of the most distinguished ones as your own--"

"Cut to the point, Lydia."

She paused and spread her arms wide helplessly. "You need more power, Soren Rosenbaum. Several months ago, you may have met the requirements of becoming a God with the exception of fame, because your abilities were still working at that time. Yet over time, the seed in your soul wears down, and it doesn't save you, it destroys you. With the loss of that power, you need to find something to replace it."

"And that power are the cursed tattoos?"

"Those are the easiest ways to gain power, though difficult nevertheless. Your highness, whatever you choose, only one ending remains for you."

The prince narrowed his eyes suspiciously, icy gaze probing as he tilted his chin in question. "Explain."

"The loss of the soul seed won't kill you so long as you find a way to restrain your memories. Yet, the issue is that there is no method that exists for your sake. And the consequences have already begun."


"Your health, your highness. Were there not plenty of symptoms of your declining health?"

The words made Soren's heart plummet in his chest as his breathing stilled. He'd been sleeping longer recently, always exhausted. Chalking it up to his typical laziness, he hadn't payed attention, assuming that it was a result of the bothersome recent events.

The blood, and the dizziness he experienced. Was it truly a cause of the returning memories, or was it a result of his vitality being stripped away into vulnerability?

That thought made him feel strange, dazed. For several years, he'd never been truly sick because if the fever was too terrible, he'd restart his life and clear away the heavy pain. It had always been the easiest method, and the one he was the most accustomed with.

But he couldn't do that anymore, and...

And what?

Lydia sighed, turning around to pull out a dark blue vial, the liquid running along the glass. It seemed to sparkle brightly in the dimness of the room. She stretched her hand out, and Soren lowered his eyes to look at it.

"This is...?"

"If you decide to forget everything. I can't follow you around, most unfortunately, your highness. So when you're ready to make your choice, drink this."

She opened another palm, and there sat a similar vial, only the colour was a deadly red.

"And drink this, if you want to remember. The exact method of becoming a God that you once knew best."

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