[73 - response; burning battle]

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Before Soren escaped the memory, the God of Death assured him, [After this, the forest should direct you to Uriel. You'll leave soon after.]

"Okay. Thanks."

There was a pause, which was common in their awkward conversations considering neither were much talkers. [Don't lose yourself to the memories.]

"I won't." said Soren calmly, closing his eyes peacefully. It was if he were ready for all the burdens that'd soon fall on him, reaching a new level of understanding. Understanding for himself, or for the situation, who knew?

No 'goodbye' or 'stay safe' followed, which suited Soren more. The memory faded before closed eyes, and soon he was standing in the pure white world of the soul forest once again. He stared ahead, and started to move forward.

It turned out Raphael had desperately remembered Ren Suzuki for so long, to the point it almost drove him mad as that single tie to his old world made him unable to accept his new world.

That was the Raphael who had fallen to his lowest point after living for ten lifetimes.

Although Soren had personally witnessed the journey, it was impossible for him to truly understand the feelings and thoughts that went through that man's mind. To fully comprehend a person was impossible, and one could only draw their own conclusions.

However, he wasn't good at understanding people. Therefore, as he walked under the pale blue leaves that swayed overhead, casting a gentle shadow over his figure, he decided he'd ask Raphael.

Because if one didn't ask, then they couldn't know.

Soren wanted to understand Raphael as best as he could, even if it meant stepping out of what he already knew.

As told by the God of Death, it wasn't long before Soren arrived before another tall tree with peaceful leaves. Unlike Raphael's bothersome tree, it wasn't hard to notice the problem.

The black root was inconspicuous and striking in the sea of white, and he crouched down before it.

An apple was quietly placed beside the root by slender hands that almost blended in with the pearl-coloured grounds, and he waited.


A phantom pain itched at his chest and the corners of his lips tugged down in discomfort. The pain wasn't overwhelming, but constant, throbbing with every beat of his heart.

Slowly, the darkness trickled away, and the light returned to the root. On the side, the apple lost its original luster, still a light blue, only having abandoned its vague glow that was there originally.

Soren bent over as the pain suddenly spiked, before completely dispersing, only leaving behind a faint pulse. He rubbed his fingers together in a daze, falling back as he lifted his chin at the sky.

There was a feeling of having lost something.

Yet as he flipped his hand over, silently scanning his body for any signs of injury, he found nothing. Like it was just an illusion.

When his mind cleared, he stood up and started to walk again. To the exit that existed somewhere among the grooves of trees.

It didn't take long for him to see the outline of the hallway where the illusion rooms were, new colours suddenly entering his view as three figures waited. As soon as Soren stepped through the door, Deimos fell backwards with a huge sigh and released his magic.

"I'm afraid, to say that I could have lasted longer was a mistake, little brother." laughed Deimos lightly through his tired breaths. "Thank you for returning quickly."

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