[27 - coexistence; final farewells]

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"Another idiot." was Soren's blunt reply to the intentionally startling news.

After all, who wanted to become a God? What benefits were there to doing such a thing? The power, the faith, the immortality? Unfortunately, Soren had experienced similar things and found them to be a curse rather than a blessing. Eternal life was eternally dreadful, devoted faith was incredibly bothersome and unlimited power was useless most of the time.

Sage gazed at him with a slight frown on his dampened expression. "What do you mean?"

"The idea sounds horrible." The last word felt  heavily empathized even upon his indifferent lips.

"You shouldn't destroy somebody's dream like that, little prince." said Raphael in a slightly mocking tone. "Didn't you have dreams as a child?"

His words were intentionally disbelieving despite it sounding kind. Sage furrowed his brows more at this duo who mocked his God's strength.



"I don't remember my childhood." said Soren honestly without care, not realizing the gloomy clouds that he had just created.

Raphael descively changed the subject. His gaze turned to Sage and a lazy smile stretched across his lips. "You really believe he can become one?"

"He will."

The protagonist laughed. "If it were so easy, several would slap the label on and call themselves allmighty. But you don't see that happen, do you?"

"You don't understand." stressed Sage, defeated as frustration tainted his voice.

For the first time, Soren saw the unwanted maturity, heavy in Raphael's tone. "You, don't understand." repeated the man with a careless smile, though it hinted at his weighing past. "You killed people for a stupid reason, children in that manner for a chance that may not exist. The dead should remain dead, and some things, even if you want to, you can't do them."

"Understand this. You are a fool, and your leader is one too." He laughed bitterly. "Just because you sacrifice many to save the one, doesn't mean that one will be saved."

"Don't make excuses for what you did. Admit to your selfish foolery and then there's that."

What Raphael despised was Sage's tone, free of worry as if everybody should understand. The idea of reviving your most beloved was alluring and sweet, but even if you chose that path, you couldn't deny that you were scum. Sage was a murderer, an absolute scum. The fact that he denied that for the belief anybody would do the same was a ridiculous farce.

Soren felt a twist in his chest, ever so faint. A familiarity that he couldn't quite understand, from what, he didn't know.

Raphael turned to Damien with a wry grin. "Sorry kid, although I can understand your relationship, there's a point where it's a bit much."

Damien had listened silently the whole time and shook his head calmly with a steady gaze. "Because of my age, do you think I'm more emotional?" He gazed at Sage cooly. "Did you think I'd listen, because I cared? I intended to talk to you to hear your explanation, not to forgive you."

His voice carried not the faintest hint of warmth, just chilling disappointment. "Do you believe I'll show you mercy, Sage?"

In fact, a part of Sage had expected it. Damien wasn't completely cold-hearted, understanding his own emotions as well as all others. Yet, because he was sensitive to emotions in such a complex way, that he knew very well the extent of Sage's crimes, family or not.

Salvation of The Scum Fifth PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now