[31 - blank; false information]

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The area had always been heavy, filled with a weighing air of misery, but it became to the extent that even Soren felt the weight of it. It was a place no person could survive — that much he could understand more than any other.

The regular person couldn't survive, and a person like Soren who had adapted to such a feeling could only barely keep moving forward.

As his mind blurred, swirling between reality and delusion, a voice echoed in his head. One so bland and forgettable, with an identity that was the complete opposite.

[You are very close to death.]

The voice was both loud and quiet, carrying that familiar gruffness which Soren found irritating.

"Thank you for stating the obvious." muttered Soren through his haze. If the God of Death was really such a great being, why was it that all they did was echo in Soren's head until he got a splitting headache from their voice?

[I can only communicate with you at this time. At a level so surrounded by death, yet not able to die.]

Soren thought, this information was really unnecessary, and he didn't need to know it at all. However, any of the thoughts that flowed through his head were loud and clear to the God.

[I thought you enjoyed learning new things.]

"Only interesting things."


Only Soren would be able to argue with a God in such a situation, or even at all. One would assume that he'd face some heavenly punishment, but the God seemed almost indulgent in Soren's harsh and careless words, not saying anything to stop him. It bothered Soren, a tingling feeling at the back of his mind that kept him alert.

[You may die soon.]

"Doesn't matter."

He'd come back to life anyway — it was for that reason he'd act so carelessly. Well, that wasn't quite right.

Soren would risk his life over and over again, even if it truly killed him.

The only reason for that, was because Soren had every intention to die, once, long ago. It wasn't that he didn't now, but that he'd given up on the possibility after many futile attempts.

[Be positive.]

The encouragement was so bland and emotionless that it almost sounded like something Soren would say. To the point the prince frowned even if he was suffocating in the mist.



Then the voice added, [Currently, it's my presence that is keeping you alive.]


As he said that, Soren had a disturbing realization. That if the God of Death could appear like this at random, he could possibly appear in the future.

[I already said, I can only do so when you're near death.]

"Quiet, I'm thinking."

[I'm telling you the answers.]

"Don't care."

The God of Death seemed to be ready to speak, before a wave of dark mana washed over Soren in tidal waves. Violent and suffocating, filling him completely in it's darkness. Soren coughed violently, gritting his teeth. The pain was raw and vivid, but also dull and deep.

It was difficult to see through the rapid torrents of mana, the trees long turned into ash as they wilted away into nothingness.

[Keep your eyes open.]

Salvation of The Scum Fifth PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now