[20 - revelation; not so secret truths]

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The reports regarding the location had been as Soren expected, which made things easier. Once Damien noticed something was off, everything would unravel in one clean swipe of the hand. 

A liar could only remain a liar, and a single truth being found was all it took to brand that name.

The location was far enough not to be bothered by any of his nosey brothers, and far enough that he could slip out during the chaos.

Everything turned out accordingly, Soren figured.

Well, at least, he thought.

Until opening the doors to the small carriage, at least. Sitting calmly on the leather seat as if he owned the carriage, not an ounce of shame present in his stance, was the last the prince wanted to see.

When Soren opened the door, the other man lifted his dark gaze and a lazy smile spread over his lips.

"Hey, little prince."

Soren slammed the door shut.

He closed his eyes, then slowly opened it again. Raphael waved, rather delighted by his expression. To others, Soren seemed the same, but to the protagonist's discerning eye, there was a sliver of irritation.

In fact, Raphael found Soren wasn't quite as emotionless as he came across. 

It was barely noticeable, but when watched carefully, Soren's expressions changed slightly on different occasions. Although Raphael admitted that the prince truly seemed to feel fewer emotions than other people, he wasn't a complete stone wall.

To get a rise out of somebody who was often expressionless — it was pretty fun, actually.

Or, to be more precise, Soren frustrated him to the point he found revenge enjoyable. The prince had a way of making casual comments with little thought that could anger a person to death.

It was a talent, it really was. Not one that many appreciated, however.

Soren turned to Damien. "Why?"

Short and concise were his master's words, but Damien understood it anyway. "I was unaware of this as well, master."

"....." Soren blinked twice, then got into the carriage a little reluctantly. 

The small hesitation in his foot that lasted for a glimmer of a second didn't go unnoticed by Raphael.

As Damien went to the front of the carriage, Soren sat in the opposite corner of Raphael. Although it may have been a trick of the light, Raphael thought the prince was squeezing into the corner, like a scared mouse trapped by a cat. 

In this case, it would more be like an annoyed mouse who wanted to avoid a bothersome cat.

The adjectives were necessary to describe such a scene.

"Why?" repeated Soren again, to Raphael this time.

"What do you mean, why? I'm afraid I don't have the same skills your butler has, little prince." said Raphael with a smile, leaning comfortably into the cushion.

Soren stared at him pointedly. '

Nonsense.' thought the prince with a deep frown.

The protagonist was the one person who could rival the observant butler of his in EQ and understanding other people. He thought to ask again, but decided for looking out of the window sleepily.

It had been a long day, after all. Raphael's whims were not ones that Soren intended to go along with.

Raphael saw the prince wasn't intending to ask again and decided to be merciful. He spoke in an almost coaxing tone, which only sounded mocking in Soren's ears. "I'm also planning to go on a vacation."

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