[22 - tragedy; a single survior's will]

12K 978 175

Author's Note:

I put the note at the end or the bottom depending on how I feel like it works, but I didn't know this time. The top it is, I suppose.

I made it to #4 trending on Scribblehub the other day, which is pretty exciting. Celebration~ hahahaha

What I'm not a fan of it the rating system though on the website. I got a few 1 star rates after that, and I don't know if it's simple because of the BL tag, trolls or genuine. If it was genuine, I'd like them to have left a review so I can understand, but who knows. I'm hoping they actually didn't like it, rather than being trolls though.

On the bright side, I have plenty 4 - 5 star ratings so that my rating didn't drop into a bottomless void lol, just down a little bit. I genuinely don't mind people not being into what I write, but feedback is nice for ratings lower than 3, just to help improve the quality of my work.

The review system is lovely though, reading them is really exciting. The message board on Wattpad, I'd say, is the closest equivalent and also super exciting hahahaha.

Anyways, little rant/random talk over, I do hope you're all having a subliminally miraculous day~


Seeing through the fog was nearly an impossible task, though Soren and Raphael were both people who didn't quite know the meaning of 'impossible'.

The rotting floorboards creaked as they stepped through the gap, the voices inside immediately going silent. Other than a quiet, quivering sob that seemed to vibrate all around, there were no other sounds. The twelve people within the house silently stared in the direction of the wall opening, readying their weapons to prepare for a silent attack.

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