[42 - name; velvet voice]

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"From here, to here." hummed Brioc, drawing a twisted curve on the paper with ease. "There's an underground passage, though it'll be a little cramped."

"How cramped are we talking about?" asked Raphael.

"Well~ enough that you'd better get ready to be nice and cozy with whoever is near you." Brioc winked at Soren, earning him a well-deserved scowl. "I'm just saying. Anyway, that's the only way you'll get in without being found. The Haze King is a coward. He'll guard himself like nothing else, especially at this time."

His words carried a more vicious bite at the end, but nobody in the room questioned his reasons. It wasn't the time for that.

And Brioc's family situation was clearly a delicate topic.

Alvara watched on the side and wondered, "Actually, I've been thinking. That person I'm meant to find to help me. What if he says no?"

Soren raised his chin from where he sat on the chair. "No?"

"I mean, he's a difficult sort, isn't he? Or at least, I thought so from what you've told me."

"He won't say no."

The confidence in his tone was undeniable, and all heads turned to look at him with curiosity. Soren was a person who seemed to know many secrets of people, despite being apathetic to those around him.

It was that trait that made what he knew all the more peculiar.

"Why not?"

Soren's gaze raked over the map and landed back on Alvara. "In the Forest of the Lost, there's an artifact that he's been looking for."

It was Raphael's turn to ask questions. "What sort of artifact?"

"A memento. His parents'."

"You could give a little more context, little prince. It'd be good to know in more detail, although I know you dislike talking. How about it?"

Soren stared at him lazily with heavy irritation before resting his head on his hand. "Damien collects things naturally, but he's also looking for the last thing his parents left him. It was lost, and he thinks it's in the Forest of the Lost."

"Why would it be there?"

"His parents died there. "

Everybody suddenly froze at the sudden revelation.

"Um, no offense, Renren, but you can't just bring this up and not explain the entire story. You're kind of bad at this — explaining stuff." said Brioc with a half-hearted look of pity.


Soren blinked. "You don't need to know."

"But I want to."


"Well," started Brioc rather shamelessly. "You should take care of those under your command. Be a kind master to your servants."

"I'm not your master."

A small tap on his side made Soren turn his head. "Hey, do you mind explaining more if you know? I'd like to get a good idea of Damien before meeting him." said Alvara awkwardly, smiling with some hope.

The 'Damien' she had heard of was an impressive teenager who was the leader of the Fox Tribe, one so deadly and dangerous it would take a genius to manage.

The key word was dangerous.

She didn't think dying after finally waking up again would be ideal.

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