Chapter 11

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"Hi" - Speak
'cool' Thought
$Parseltongue$ - Parseltongue
"stupefy" - spells 

Harry's birthday seemed to come at an instant, and the founders and merlin had their plans set in motion. They greeted Harry with a huge "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". They great hall was filled with banners and gifts for Harry.

"Happy birthday, Snakelet." Sal repeated and led him towards the presents.

"Thanks everyone. I can't believe I'm eleven." Harry said, excited.

"I know, it's come by so quickly." Helga sniffed.

"Yes, but it's the first step into the wizarding world. Though you're already at Hogwarts." Godric said amused.

Everyone laughed at that.

"C'mon Harry open your gifts." Rowena said. "Then we can have food."

Harry got a lot of gifts and he loved every single one. He got a custom-made sword with his name Hadrian etched on it and a pair of daggers, a book written by Godric on transfiguration, blade handling, offensive and defensive magic. The sword would adapt to his movements and aging. From Rowena, he got a golden eagle quill set, a book on charms. Her own works on Arithmancy and runes. Blue ink and black ink. He also got a never-ending journal in which he could write, From Helga, he got a stunning black cloak with green and silver linings. A dragon hide black quiver filled with arrows that never ran out and a copy of wards and protections written by her. From Salazar, he got his own journal written in Parseltongue. It showed many potions and spells. A silver locket with his name on it and emeralds. And finally, Salazar gifted him with a green and silver snake which was no more than the length of his arm. He named him, Alpha. Harry was given strict orders to look after him – which was no problem for him.

The house elves then put the gifts in a box for Harry. Harry got the spend quality time with the founders, till dinner. First, he spent time with Godric. They flew around the castle on brooms and horses. Godric even let him fly on Aquiline, his griffin. They talked and laughed and flew around. Then when he was tired, he went to see Helga. They talked and played games for some time. Godric came rushing in with a pregnant kneazle and they got to see the birth of tiny kittens. Harry then went to see Rowena, she challenged him to a game of wizard's chess, which Rowena won a lot, then they played exploding snap, which Harry won constantly. Harry then went to meet Sal, together they went to Sal's chamber. Harry introduced Asmodeus to Alpha who hissed in approval. They left the two snakes to talk, and went to the library in the chamber. They talked for sometime and when it was dinner, Harry took Alpha and together they went to the great Hall. They went inside and saw the other founders and Merlin sitting there. Harry was ecstatic to see Merlin there.

"Happy Birthday, Harry." Merlin said with a smile. Harry beamed at him and accepted the gifts given to him. From Merlin, he got a book on water, air and shadow elemental and Merlin's own notes on elements. They all sat together and ate dinner. Harry cut the cake and the others sang the birthday song.

"Now, we still have one more gift to give you. It's a gift we would like to give you together." Merlin said with a smile. Harry looked at him shocked before he smiled.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Yes, it's a very special gift we give together, but the gift is individual." Merlin said. Harry looked at him, confused.

"We would like you to be our heir. Direct heir. A part of our lines." Sal said and Harry's jaw dropped.

"What?!" Harry exclaimed.

"We would like you to become our heir." Rowena said with a smile. Harry blinked a couple of times, stunned at what he was hearing.

"I-I would be honored." Harry said, overwhelmed. The adults shared a soft look and Sal brought out the blood adoption potion, harry had seen and brewed many times. Sal cut his finger and allowed seven drops of blood to fall on the potion, turning it silver. He then passed it on to Godric who cut his finger and again allowed seven drops of blood to fall and the potion gold. Helga did it again and the potion turned bright yellow and handed it Rowena who did the same and it turned bronze. Merlin did the same. Then they allowed their magic to flair making the potion flash. The colors mixed together and Harry took it and gulped it down. Harry immediately felt pain as the potion flowed through his veins, but harry controlled the pain expressing it in hissing. When it finally stopped, he gasped. His features changed. He grew about three inches, and the muscles he got become more defined. His hair became dark black, and silky. His face become sharper and more defined. He eyes changed. They became vibrant green with flecks of brown, silver and blue and they seemed to glow.

"How are you feeling, Harry?" Rowena asked with concern. Harry took and deep breath and looked up.

"I'm ok" he said with a smile.
"You look different." Godric informed him, and conjured up a mirror. Harry looked at himself and grinned.

"Thank you everyone." Harry said. "It means a lot to me."

"We wanted to give this to you, because we believe you are the only one who can truly carry on our lines." Merlin said softly.

"I have a few questions." Harry said. The others chuckled.

"We expected this. What are the questions?" Rowena asked.

"What about the other people who are descendant from you?" Harry asked.

"We have put protections on our accounts and vaults so that no one can claim your inheritance. Even if someone is from our line, you will still be the direct heir. You will take up the lordships when you are of legal age. You will sit in the Wizengamot at 13."

"What are the seats?" Harry asked, intrigued.

"Since we are a most ancient and most noble house, we will have 20 seats each. However, Merlin's seat will have 25 seats, since he is a revered house. That gives you a total of 105 seats on the Wizengamot, nearly half of the seats." Rowena said.

Harry's jaw dropped in shock. He understood the etiquettes of the Wizengamot, but he did not realize he'd have these many seats.

"We have also made sure that you cannot be cast out of our houses. It will be impossible to remove you from the houses. Your place as the heir will not be stripped from you." Sal said.

Harry nodded at this.

"We have a copy of our heir rings here, but you will get the official rings at Gringotts. You will take up the Lordship ring when you are fifteen years of age." Merlin said and brought out five rings. The rings were the founders and merlin. Gryffindor's ring was red with a gold band and a lion holding the sword of Gryffindor. The Hufflepuff ring was yellow with a black band with a badger holding a cup. The Ravenclaw ring was blue with a bronze band and had an eagle on it with a tiara on its forehead. The Slytherin ring was green with a silver band and had a basilisk on it with a locket around its neck. The Merlin ring was a rich purple ring with a dragon on it. He slipped the rings onto his fingers and watched as it melted into a single ring with all the crests on it.

Harry smiled at it before rushing to hug the 5 of them murmuring his thanks again and again. It was the best birthday and he had gotten the best birthday gifts ever. He knew he had to leave soon and it might not be possible to see them. He would carry this in his minds forever. Oh yes, the future just got a whole lot interesting.


Sorry for the late upload, but I hope you enjoy it. Peace out.

Boredlife07 Signing off.

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