Chapter 41

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought

Remus was right in his statement; Severus Snape was the talk of the school until Quidditch. The man practically hid in the dungeons until things had died down and Harry caught sight of a petal from a red rose on the man's office door. When he innocently asked his Godfather whether he liked red roses, the man sent a stinging hex at him. It bought copious amount of amusement to Sirius who showed up at one of Harry's extra potions lessons with a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers declaring his 'love' for the 'dark and mysterious professor. Harry laughed so hard he nearly stopped breathing and he ruined his potion. Snape threw a cauldron at the Animagus, which hit him on the head; he never tried it again.

When everything about snape calmed down, other things began. Tensions were high in the castle as the Quidditch final approached. It was Slytherin vs Gryffindor and the whole castle was waiting for it. Gryffindor had managed to catch up with Slytherin on points and it had been decided that there would a final match between the two teams to decide who would win the Quidditch Cup. Harry had been practising a lot and doing some deadly moves that hadn't been seen before. He was determined to beat the Lions no matter what. James and Sirius were at each other's heads, so that drove Snape from the other people's mind and at times it nearly came to wands. The Black Lord was ready to kill Potter for insulting his mate and James was a fool.

Harry was also putting more effort into his studies and was at the top of his class as expected. He did extra in all subjects, especially potions since he wanted to get his Mastery. He had been working with his cousin too. Draco was second overall and they wanted to keep it that way for the remainder of the year. Because of the match more and more people were in the hospital wing. Each house was trying to injure the other in hopes that they wouldn't play the match; mainly the seekers Rosina and Hadrian. So, they had been seen with older people from their houses to protect them, just in case. Unfortunately for the Gryffindors, the Slytherins were sly and cunning, and because of this many of the of the players from the Gryffindor team had been hit with various hexes and jinxes. The twins, however were the only ones who didn't get hit, because no one was stupid to have the twins playing pranks on them.

On the day of the match, the Gryffindor team entered the Great Hall with massive applause from the Lions and Puffs and boos from the Snakes and Ravens. Of course, the Slytherin's entered with style. They walked into the hall as one, wearing green and silver. The applause echoed around the hall, coming from the Slytherins and the Ravenclaws. Harry smirked as their house stood up together and applauded them. There were bets flying around the room during breakfast and the anticipation was growing at an alarming rate until Flint couldn't take it anymore and ordered the team to go to the changing rooms.

"Pull of something amazing." Draco said with a smirk, which Harry returned.

"How else is it done in Slytherin?" He nodded to his father, dad and godfather before following his team out.

"Right, this is the last game and we have to win." Flint told them in the changing room, while pacing.

"We have beaten the kittens before and you can damn well do it again."

"You know we will win Marc. Have you seen Hadrian training? He's got some sick moves." Pucey assured and the team muttered in agreement.

"I have and if you don't get the snitch, you can say goodbye to your place on the team, so do the impossible." Flint ordered him.

"The snitch is mine." Harry agreed with a nod. They could hear the crowd outside filling the stands and put on a blank expression on their face. Harry took his broom and took a deep breath and walked with the rest of team when they were called. All the Slytherins and Ravenclaws were cheering for them. They faced the Gryffindors as Madam Hooch stepped up.

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