Chapter 67

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"So, Hadrian, you were going to tell us about your speaking with our Lord?" Narcissa began the conversation and Harry nodded with a deep breath, he shot a quick look to Draco before looking away.

"Well, you know I gave him the Philosopher's Stone." The adults nodded; they weren't about to forget that conversation in a hurry. "What you don't know is I gave him the stone in exchange for a binding magical agreement, an agreement that said I get a say in the workings of the dark side." Sirius and Remus sat back and enjoyed the stunned silence Harry had put them in, even if it was a sock, they had had time to adjust slightly.

"You have a magical agreement with the Dark Lord?" Severus finally spoke and Harry nodded.

"How in Merlin's name did that happen?" Lucius questioned astounded, the boy was 11 years old and he practically had half the Dark Sec. He knew Hadrian was a brilliant child, but this was something else.

"The Philosopher's Stone." Harry said.

"Yes, but even the Dark Lord wouldn't just hand out a binding agreement, in fact I'm pretty sure I've never heard of him giving such an agreement." Lucius said and Harry smirked.

"He had a change of heart."

"Not sure he even has one."

Harry snorted at that.

"Yes, he does, it's just buried under a lot of things."

"Why did he agree? What could you possibly have offered him for him to exchange his work." Severus asked, shaking his head.

"How about the fact that I was the one he hit with the killing curse on Samhain 10 years ago? Or the fact that I hold the other three Founders seats as direct Heirs as well as the Seat of Emrys? Or the fact that I'm probably the only person who could actually give him a challenge as well as hold my own against him? Honestly take your pick."

"Wait what?"

"He hit you with the killing curse?"

"Rosina Potter isn't the Girl-Who-Lived?"

"Dumbledore got it wrong?"

"Dumbledore got is so wrong." Sirius said with a broad smirk on his face.

"Oh Merlin, so she's just an ordinary child?"

"Yes, well a great annoyance and an ego bigger than Hogwarts, but yes." Harry confirmed.

"This could change everything."

"It does change everything." Harry rectified. "There was a prophecy made and I'm the child. The prophecy nullified when Dad and Father blood adopted me and I made a binding agreement with Marvolo. Add to the fact that I would rather throw myself off the Astronomy tower than work under Dumbledore then it truly changes everything."

"This is phenomenal." Lucius said in shock before he blinked." Wait a second, how do you hold the Founders seats and the Seat of Emrys if they're not in your bloodlines."

Harry smirked at that.

"I believe if you were to give me a blood test, then it would show I am the blood and magical heir of
Merlin, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin which also makes me Marvolo's Heir." Harry told him casually.

"That's not possible." Narcissa said.

"Neither is growing up 1000 years in the past with the Founders, but that's what I did." Harry said which gained another stunned silence.


"Yeah, Dumbledore's great plan to send me to the muggles didn't work. I was collected by Merlin and taken to live with the Founders, it's where I learnt everything. They were the best of the best and they taught me to their fullest of abilities before I was sent back to this time to wreak havoc on the world." Harry explained leaving them completely stunned, Snape already knew this so he took great pleasure I watching the usually collected Malfoys gape.

"The Founders, you grew up with the Founders and didn't think to tell me?" Draco demanded furiously and Harry winced at the glare he was receiving.

"I'm sorry, but a lot was going on." Harry said.

"And you also saw fit not to tell me that the Dark Lord hit you with the killing curse? What else did you decide not to tell me?"

"I couldn't tell you that because he asked me not too." Harry told him.

"You could have told me how you grew up; you could have trusted me enough with that." He yelled and Harry cringed.

"I do trust you."

"Obviously not very much" The blond snapped, "I thought I was your friend."

"You are my friend, my best friend." Harry returned quickly.

"You have a funny way of showing it." Draco went to storm away, but Harry grabbed him.

"Please Dray, I didn't want to upset you."

"I never want to speak to you again." He wrenched his arm away and ran off, Harry spewed out some curses in multiple languages and ran after him.

"Draco wait, please." Harry called, running up the stairs two at a time.

"Go away, Hadrian."

"Please Draco, listen to me. I do trust you, more than anyone. But there were lots of things going on. You can't just tell someone you grew up with the Founders in conversation."

"I don't want to hear any more of your crap." Draco slammed his doors hard and Harry felt the Heir wards flare up, he fell back against the wall and slid down to the floor with his head in his hands.

"Please Draco, I'm sorry, please don't shut me out." Harry felt nothing and groaned. He dragged himself back down the stairs and in to the lounge.

"He's not talking to me and the wards are up." Harry muttered despondently.

"Just give him some time." Narcissa said softly.

"What if he doesn't speak to me again?" Harry cried, "I can't do this, I'm going home." He left the room and floo'd home going straight to his bedroom. The adults exchanged wary looks.

"They'll work this out in the end." Sirius said after a minute.

"Hopefully Draco will calm down in France, then when we return, they will be right as rain." Lucius said and Narcissa nodded.

"We had better be on our way. Harry is probably going to be down for a couple of days." Remus said, getting up.

"Of course, it was good to see you both." Narcissa said rising to give her goodbyes. Sirius and Remus floo'd home and immediately went to find Harry.

"Hey pup." Sirius greeted quietly as he slowly entered the bedroom. Harry was lying face down on his bead and his shoulders were shaking slightly.

"Draco will calm down; you know he's a bit of a drama queen." Sirius said to him gently running a hand through his dark hair.

"He hates me." Harry stated sadly, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"He doesn't hate you, he's just a bit upset at the current time." Remus reassured.

"Just you wait and see kiddo, everything will be fine with him again soon." Sirius pressed a kiss to his dark hair and left the room with Remus. It was going to be a rough few days by the looks of things.

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