Chapter 59

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought

Harry's magic burned bright than Potter's had before, flaring and snapping around the room before he dropped to his knees rigidly. The wound on his hand was bubbling and spitting, the Potter blood burning away, the cry of the Potter Family Griffin echoing around the room as the family magic took themselves away. The Screech of the Black Raven's and the Howl of the Wolf overtook the Griffin's cry, accepting its new unchallenged position and rejoicing, allowing the magic in the room to settle and seal itself into place. Harry hunched on the floor for a few moments before slowly getting to his feet.

His face had changed. Every little trace of Potter was gone from his face, replaced more prominently with those of his true parents, though he still had traces of Lily and those he had received from the Founders and Merlin. The room was entirely silent except for the ragged breathing coming from the enraged eleven-year-old.

"You are nothing to me." He whispered, his tone harsh and cutting. "And if I fail in everything in my lifetime; I promise you, I will not fail in making you regret ever thinking to attempt to bind me to your will."

Harry span on his heel and stalked from the room, his magic crackling after him. Remus hurried after him. Sirius moved backwards, never taking his wand or eyes off Potter until the door slam shut. Harry's strength stayed with him until he got one corridor away and then he dropped. He never made it to the floor because Remus caught him and then carried him to the rooms and placed Harry on the sofa.

Sirius entered it then and stared at his mate.

"Did he just...." He trailed off.

"Perform a full blood disownment, a House Primary acceptance and a Blood Feud in one vow?" Remus finished. "Yes, I think he did."

"But, I'm so angry at Potter. He dared try to bind our son into following his orders." Sirius growled.

"I know, Padfoot." Remus said. "But right now, we have more important things to do." They looked at Hadrian.

"Should I call Cissa?" Remus asked, worried, but Sirius shook his head.

"No, he's ok. He's just settling his core and regaining his strength. A full disownment is a shock to his system." Sirius said. "Look he's coming around."

Harry started to blink and then groaned to himself, pushing himself to a sitting into a sitting position.

"Well, that was pretty stupid." He admitted. "But I do feel so much better now."

"Oh Cub." Moony sighed, hugging him tightly. Harry relished in comfort before he was released and he let out a yawn.

"Come on, straight back to the Snake Pit, with you." Remus decided. "You need an early night."

"Ok." Harry agreed, pulling himself to his feet, wobbling only once. He hugged his parents before heading to the Snake Pit, he did not actually want to go to bed. Harry continued his way to the dungeons, when he heard angry voices and followed them.

"What in Merlin's name were you thinking." A man, James Potter; Harry recognized, hissed furiously. He heard a whimper and his blood went cold. He quickly cast his masking spell and crept closer, what he saw made him want to beat the man himself. James was dragging Lily down the corridor by her hair, and pushed her against the wall.

"James please," She begged and cried out when he slapped her across the face.

"You stupid little bitch, I warned you not to put stunts like that," James growled. "How many times do I have to teach you to listen to what I say?"

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