Chapter 34

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought
"Accio" - Spells

Draco came running to Harry's room feeling excited. He was wearing his Hogwarts robes and was grinning.

"Hurry up, we have things to do as soon as we go back."

Harry grinned.

"Yes, I'm ready. I just had to perfect my look."

"Uncle Sirius is still complaining about going back to teach Potter. Mother silenced him, much to Uncle Moony's relief." Draco told him. He had started calling Sirius and Remus 'uncle' just as Harry began to call his Godparents 'uncle' and 'aunt'.

"Aunt Cissa did the right thing. Poor dad has to live with father." Harry said. He has started calling Remus dad and Sirius father, since they were better people than his birth father. He loved them. There was so denying it. Sirius Orion Lupin-Black was his father and Remus John Lupin-Black was his dad. They both left the room and headed to the sitting room, where they were greeted by the weirdest sight. Sirius was laid on the floor, with his arms around Lucius' leg. Remus and Severus were trying to pry him off and Narcissa was trying not to laugh.

"What in Merlin's name?" They said and burst into laughter. The adults stood up as Draco and Harry clutched each other for support.

"Oh Merlin."

"That was the funniest thing I've ever seen." Harry gasped.

"I don't think we're ever going to forget that." Draco said wiping his eyes,

"Come on you two, let the children play." Narcissa smiled. The two smirked and followed her to the fireplace. The two were hugged by Narcissa.

"Be good and write regularly. I'll see in the summer." Narcissa told him and Harry smiled. He took a bit of floo powder and stepped in the fireplace.

He threw the floo powder into the fireplace and called out "Marauder's pad, Sanctuary" and vanished in a flash of green flames. He arrived at his parents' room and stepped out of the fireplace, waiting for Draco to arrive. When Draco came out of the fireplace, they both went and sat on the couch, waiting for the adults to show up. When hey didn't show up they got bored.

"Shall we leave them a prank and go to the feast?" Draco suggested. Harry smirked. They set up a charm that would change their robes bright orange and red when they left the hole. Harry even charmed the couch to sing when sat on and they left the room, hurrying to join the rest of the students in the hall. Sirius and Remus rushed in at the last moment glaring at Draco and Harry, who were putting on innocent faces. They went and took their places at the Head table. Once everyone had settled, the headmaster stood up with a grandfatherly expression on his face.

"Welcome back. I hope your Christmas was good. Tuck in." He announced and the feast began. The feast passed quickly. Harry and Draco spoke with their friends. Harry told them his new name and heirship, especially to Pansy. She was one of the biggest gossips in the school and if they wanted anything put out there, they would go to her. She would make a small story a big one. Harry guessed that by tomorrow the whole school including the staff would know.

They were about to leave the hall when they heard a voice behind them.

"Hadrian Regulus Loki Black-Lupin."

Harry winced.

"Oh, you got the full name." Draco laughed.

"You too Draco Lucius Malfoy."

"Looks like you did too Dray." Theo snickered. Harry turned around to face his father with a beaming smile.

"Father, so good to see you, it's been a while, we should catch up."

"A prank on our door?"

Harry and Draco looked confused, acting innocent.

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked bewildered.

"We came through the floo and went to the feast." Harry said with a nod.

"I think you should look to the other marauder you live with." Draco pointed out making Sirius confused.

"What, I mean- never mind." He said shaking his head as he walked away and the pair hi 5'd.

"We are really good." Harry said.

"So good." Draco agreed. They went to the dungeons to their common room and talked for a while with their friends before going to their dorm.

Harry woke up in the morning. He had become more relaxed in his sleeping habits since he returned to the future. He didn't have trainings and lessons early in the morning and he didn't worry about his magic since he practiced magic every day. He went to the common room, reading a book as usual. Draco arrived at the common room after some time and the two went to the Great Hall at ate breakfast. Their lessons were simple since the two of them had read and studied everything earlier. He was right in saying that the whole school would know about his change of name as he was cornered by his ex- sister after Transfiguration.

"Just because you changed your name doesn't make you any less pathetic." She spat at him and Harry merely raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever you saw, Potter." He drawled. He then realized with a start that he could call her that without being associated with that name.

"Well, we're better off without you anyway." She huffed, flouncing off. Harry headed towards the Great Hall for dinner. Unfortunately, he did not get that far because Potter Sr. cornered him just outside the Great Hall.

"What's this. I've heard about you changing your name." He demanded and Harry smirked.

"I decided to change my name over the holidays. I think it suits me better." He answered, brightly.

"You can't just change your name in the wizarding world. It's different compared to the muggle world." Potter snapped.

"Oh, I know, which is why my dad and father blood adopted me." Harry said cheerfully. Harry carefully sidestepped Potter, who had just realized what he had said and was looking irate, and headed towards the Slytherin table. 

Words: 1006. 
Hey guys. Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you like it. I'll upload tomorrow. 

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