Chapter 22

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"hi" Speech
'hmm' Thought
"Stupefy"  Spells

When Lily when to wake up her son the next day, she was surprised to see him meditating in the center of the bed. She thought it was unusual that he could meditate so well when he was so young and that Rosina couldn't seem to get it even if they tried. It was why there was no hope in teaching her Occlumency. Lily wondered if Harry had any shields within his mind to protect it from others. Feeling it was best to leave him, she left the room. Lily knew that Harry didn't want to be there, and Lily agreed with him. They had abandoned him to muggles without a second thought. She hoped that he would forgive them for giving him away, but she knew that the chances were very slim.

Harry knew that Lily had come into his room, but appreciated that she left him alone. He wanted to check his mind yet again, and only when he had gone through every part of his mind did he get up and go down for breakfast which, to his misfortune, was not in the Great Hall. The food was very nice, since it was coming from the Hogwarts kitchen itself. He murmured his thanks to them and dashed to his room to study his creation.

He knew that his potion was flawless and he replayed the ingredients over and over again in his mind. He read it and didn't even notice the time passing by. In no time, he was being called for lunch. He smiled; he would be escaping soon.

"Rosie has extra training this afternoon. I would ask you to join, but you wouldn't understand since it is on an advanced level." James said. Harry raised his eyebrows. 'Huh this man seriously thinks I can't do anything. Well at least it gives me a chance to get away.' He thought.

"I shall go away so that my average sized brain doesn't blast with this advanced training." He said, his voice laced with sarcasm which James did not understand. He walked out the room and took the shortcut to the dungeons so he could go back to his common room. He muttered the password under his breath. He saw Draco sitting on the sofa and sat down, sighing.

"Why are you so happy? I thought you'd be angry with the Potters." Draco asked.

"I'm just so happy at seeing green and silver again." Harry answered. Draco raised his eyebrows.

"I have just seen so much red and gold in a single room. It's so bright, I almost lost my sight, seeing it." Harry explained.

"That bad?" Draco asked.

"Yep" Harry answered. "I can't believe that they chose those colors. Besides, I doubt the Gryffindor common room would be that bright."

Draco snorted.

"Don't you have to go see Uncle Sev?" Draco asked.

"Oh yea. Bye Drake, see you later." Harry waved at him and walked through the portrait that led to Professor Snape's study. He knocked on the door and heard a faint "come in" He went inside.

"Good afternoon, sir." Harry said brightly.

"Ah, Hello Hadrian. I see you've escaped." Snape replied.

"Yes, something about Rosina getting advanced training and me not being able to understand." Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"Merlin. You've been taught by the founder's and Merlin themselves, and they're telling you won't understand. Ah, well they don't know that of course. Anyway, let's not talk about your sister. Let's start Potions, shall we?" Snape asked and Harry nodded.

Harry snapped his fingers and the ingredients appeared in front of him. He started making the potion adding the necessary ingredients and stirring when necessary. The professor stood there watching as Hadrian prepared the potion with ease. Hadrian then waited for the potion to simmer. He then brought it at boiling point and watched the bubbles pop. He took the cauldron of the heat, letting it cool. He flicked his hand and the bench became clean once more. He looked at the potion and was delighted to see that it once again resembled liquid gold. He looked at the professor who had come near the bench to see his potion.

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