Chapter 31

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - thought
"Accio" - Spells

(The picture is Malfoy Manor. Just imagine the sky all nice and bright instead of dark and gloomy)

By the time Yule holidays had come around he wanted to go out of the castle. Not that he hated the castle. He just wanted to go out somewhere preferably away from James and Rosina. Lily, thankfully, had fully respected his wishes and stayed away from him, merely greeting him from time to time when they meet each other, though she never spoke to him when James was around. He was packed and ready to leave. The children had already left, including Draco. Remus, Sirius and Harry were flooing over to Malfoy Manor.

As the boys had promised the two adults were dressed and ready. They would be meeting The House of Malfoy after so many years. Remus was dressed in black robes with the black family crest on his left, while Sirius wore a Dark Blue robe with the black family crest on his left. He was wearing The Black Lord ring showing his Headship of the house. They had to wait until the Malfoys had collected Draco. Finally, Harry cast tempus and cheered.

"Ok we can leave now." Harry announced and the two adults nodded. Harry walked over to the grate and took a bit of floo powder. He threw it into the grate and yelled "Malfoy Manor" He was sucked through the fireplace, spinning wildly. He landed gracefully in the fireplace of Malfoy Manor, and stepped out, only to be hugged by his best friend.

"I thought you were never going to get here." Draco exclaimed.

"Calm down Draco." A gentle voice said. "Let your friend come in as the others come through."

Draco nodded and allowed Harry to come in. Harry waited for his Godfather and Uncle to come. The grate flared green and Sirius tumbled out and moved aside, brushing the ashes from his robes. The grate once again flared green, as Remus stepped through gracefully without tumbling. Harry looked at the hosts and noted that Lucius and Draco had a lot of similarities. Draco was truly a mini-Lucius. The only difference was that his hair was a shade darker.

Lucius Malfoy had a pale pointed face, just like his son. His features were sharp and well defined and he was quite tall. He had pale blond hair that fell below his shoulders and cold grey eyes. Narcissa Malfoy on the other hand had features similar to Sirius. She had blond and black hair with blue eyes. Her features were similar to Sirius' since they were both blacks. She had the posture of a pureblood though she looked kind.

"Welcome to Malfoy Manor. We are delighted you could accept our invitation." Lucius greeted formally.

"We were honored to receive one." Sirius answered in the same tone.

"Enough with the formalities. It's good to see you Sirius." Narcissa said warmly. I was pleased when you said you would come."

"It's great to see you too Cissa." Sirius said, earning smile from his cousin at her old nickname. "I'm glad I took your son's advice and contacted you."

"Yes, he's a smart boy." Narcissa said. "Now let's go to the lounge where we can have a proper reunion."

Harry was amazed at the beauty of the house. He had never been in a pureblood house before, except for Hogwarts. He didn't they'd be this beautiful. As he was admiring the beauty they arrived at the lounge.

"Draco why don't you show Mr. Potter to his room. Then you can come back here." Lucius suggested.

"Yes father. Come on Hades."

"Mr. Malfoy please call me Hadrian or Harry. I am sure you have had the misfortune of meeting my 'father' and you would understand that I would not want to associate with people with that name." Harry said, before following Draco to his room, catching his Godfather's laugh as they reached the stairs.

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