Chapter 33

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' -  Thought
"Accio" - Spells

Harry and Draco went to Draco's room and Draco opened the magical creature book. He flipped to the Cerberus page. Harry's eyes shone.

"Here." He pointed out. "The line says, Cerberus' go to sleep when they hear music."

"Brilliant, now all we have to worry about is the rest of the tasks." Draco said.

"I can play the guitar." Harry said.

"And I can play piano." Draco said.

"Brilliant, we'll go as soon as we reach school."

They planned out all necessary things. When they would go, what they would take. Neither of them knew who wanted the stone. They ate dinner with the rest of the adults and talked about school. They were sent to bed early since they would be staying up the whole night the next day. The went to their respective rooms and slept. The next morning Harry woke up at 7 and rushed to Draco's room who was just getting up. They had an evil idea and smirked. Draco went to his parents' room, while Harry went to Remus and Sirius' room.

"WAKE UP IT'S TIME FOR PRESENTS." Harry yelled causing both the marauders to jump up in surprise, shrieking. Harry fell to the ground and started laughing.

"That was not funny, pup." Sirius said. Harry just grinned.

"Calm down pup." Remus said "You nearly scared us to death."

"But uncle Moony." Harry whined. "Presents!"

"All right, Pup." Sirius said, finally able to calm down. "We'll meet you down."

Harry and Draco came to the living room, where they saw stacks of presents. They were about to pounce on them, when they were grabbed by the waist and hoisted in the air.

"Ah calm down boys." Said the amused voice of Lucius. He set Draco on his hip and Sirius did the same to Harry.

"You have to wait for Remus and Narcissa. You didn't even wake up Severus." Sirius pointed out.

"Hey I tried, but he warded his door so much, it would have taken half an hour to unlock it." Harry told them with a grin. "I didn't think it was necessary to blast open the door."

The Potions Master walked in.

"Now that is intelligence, Black." He informed Sirius who stuck out his tongue. Narcissa walked in the room, still wearing her nightdress. Then after a few minutes, Remus walked in yawning, but sat on the couch. Harry turned his pleading eyes to Sirius, and Draco did the same to his mother and father.


"Go on then."

Harry and Draco released themselves from Sirius' and Lucius' arms respectively and went to open presents. Harry had so many gifts, it was almost as if Sirius and Remus were making up for the time they did not spend together. From Sirius and Remus, he got a quidditch gear, books on quidditch, charms, potions and transfiguration. He also got muggle clothes. A pair of jeans, some shirts, a leather jacket, a hoodie and a pair of black and white shoes. From Lucius he got a pair of emerald green robes and a book on all types of magic. From Severus he got potions set and a book of potions made by Severus. From Narcissa he got some clothes, both muggle and wizarding. From Draco he got a personalized sweater in green. Written on it in silver was: Best Friends 4 ever. He also got a golden snitch from Draco. Then he saw an envelope with his name on it. He opened it and read it, his eyes widening. He looked at Remus and Sirius in shock.

"Is this for real?" Harry asked.

"I mean it's only a suggestion. I know how much you hate Potter, so we thought- "He was cut of as Harry rushed at him and hugged the man.

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