Chapter 46

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"Hi" - Speech
'Hi' - Thought

Sirius was using Remus to keep himself up where he was laughing so hard with Remus doing the same, both Lucius and Narcissa were pink in the face and Severus was covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud.

"Why you little- "

"It's ok Potter, I know accidents happen, I'm sure you will remember it." With an all too sweet smile Harry walked to the Slytherin table and was greeted with thunderous applause as he sat down. James threw him a filthy look and took his own place. Sirius skipped, he actually skipped, to his seat, kissing Harry on the head as he went. Remus, Snape, Lucius and Narcissa followed his example without skipping and took a seat at the Head Table just as Dumbledore got to his feet.

"I would like to welcome back, Mr. Black, who has clearly made a speedy recovery from his terrible accident." He announced. The hall clapped and Harry nodded. He would show them an accident, he wanted to push Rosina down the stairs, but he wouldn't stoop to her level. The other Slytherins seemed to have done a good job in making her life hell for the past week, Harry glanced at Rosina and smirked when he saw her sat with her head down; they had definitely done a good job.

"The twins were a massive help, they got us to the Gryffindor common room to redecorate." Draco told him as the food appeared, Harry raised an eyebrow and the blond smirked.

"We also made a promise to retaliate anyone who helped Rosina or spoke ill of you." He explained with a shrug and Harry grinned.

"Nicely done, Dray, nicely done."

"Well, you didn't expect me to let this go did you?"

"It would have hurt if you did." Harry told him. When Harry rose, the whole table followed him, they seemed to make an armed guard to escort him to the common room and he couldn't help but smirk.

"Just what happened while I was out?" Harry asked Draco, who was enjoying the reaction.


When they reached the common room, Harry was surrounded by people sending him messages of relief and welcomes, the whole house seemed to have missed him and it took nearly an hour for them to calm down; there was even a party planned. Flint came over with a smirk and a nod.

"You really did pull of the impossible ay, Black?"

Harry smirked.

"Of course."

"I still cannot believe that you won us the game." Flint shook his head and Harry grinned.

"Now that was a surprise, but hey, anything to trash Potter, I'll try it."

"I came to talk to you about Quidditch." Flint began "Now I would understand if you don't want to play anymore after a fall like- "He was cut off by Harry's choking cough.

"Not play. Are you insane?!" He exclaimed. "As soon as the summer begins, I'm getting myself a new broom and going flying, I have yet to do my best moves in a game, and there is no way I'm allowing the Lions win the cup."

Flint grinned.

"I like you Black." He slapped Harry on the back and harry withheld a wince.

"People really have to lay off the back. I broke it three times." Harry complained and Draco rolled his eyes.

"You should have healed faster."

"Not going to let that one go, are you?"

"Now, you had phoenix abilities, you should have used your head instead of making everyone worry."

Harry frowned.

"You know I didn't mean to do that on purpose, Draco."

"I know. I also believe that Uncle Siri and Uncle Moony still haven't responded to your accident, since they didn't leave your bedside one."

"What! You mean they haven't done anything?"

"Oh no, Uncle Siri did beat the hell out of Potter, other than that no."

"He had better have a plan." Harry stated furiously.

"I agree."

"Come on. I'm going to have a few words with them."

They slipped out of the common room and headed to the marauders pad, where Sirius, Remus, Severus and the Malfoys were talking over drinks.

"What in Merlin's name were you doing while I was in the hospital." Harry demanded as a greeting, making the adults turn around in shock.


"Why has Draco told me that you have done nothing in retaliation for me nearly getting killed?" Harry asked.

"There isn't a lot I can do. Dumbledore has already blocked the ministry and the public worship the ground, Potter and his spawn walk on." Sirius told him.

"I am not letting this go, I nearly died." Harry stated.

"I do not see what could possibly be done. Fudge will not budge because of Dumbledore and the Headmaster turns a blind eye to anything Potter." Lucius said. Harry growled to himself and began pacing, tugging his hair before freezing and turning to Lucius.

"You said anything Potter." He muttered and the Malfoy Lord blinked.

"I did."

"Anything Potter." He repeated himself, much to the confusion of the room.

"The public will go mad about anything Potter, yes?" Harry asked.

"Yes, the press and public will go crazy with any news having the name Potter on it." Sirius answered.

The look that came on Harry's face was pure evil and shocked the adults, Draco on the other hand smirked.

"What do you have in mind, Hades?"

Harry looked at them with a strange glint in his eyes.

"I think it's time the public knew the story of Hadrian Potter." 

Words: 930. 
I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'll upload on Monday. Ta!
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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