Chapter 20

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"hi" Speech
'Thought' Thought
"Stupefy"  - Spells

Harry's first week of school was simply brilliant. He was instantly at the top of his classes; this of course was no surprise. He would accept nothing less than perfection. He had also been avoiding James Potter at all costs, but had a few close calls. The closest being when James had cornered him and made a grab for him. Harry found himself lifted up in the air and set behind his uncle Moony. The man held him close. He gave James Potter a dangerous glare that made the man back down. Harry could not blame him; he had seen the wolf come out of his uncle. His eyes glowed amber and his lips curled. If he had been on the other side, he too would have made a hasty retreat.

When Friday finally arrived, Harry was practically bouncing with excitement. It was finally the day for his Potions class. Even though he knew that the things taught on the first day wouldn't be a challenge for him, but he absolutely loved brewing potions. First years weren't allowed to brew in the labs, but Harry hoped that he could talk to Professor Snape about it, because the thought of brewing potions only during potions class was horrifying. He read all the books on Potions. And Harry began pacing around the Great Hall, thinking about Potions.

Draco finally annoyed by this, made him sit down and wait for the rest of the first years. Draco was excited at being taught by his Godfather, but was also quite nervous. He knew the man accepted only perfection. He was revising everything he was taught by his Godfather. Harry's bright mood was noticeable to anyone and up the High table, there was a teacher eyeing the boy with a questioning expression.

"What's got your godson happy today?" He asked Sirius, who was sitting near him.

"The same thing that's gotten your Godson so happy." Sirius said and grinned. "Harry's so excited about potions, I thought he would explode if the day did not come by fast."


"Oh, yea he just loves Potions. He's been going on about it all week." Sirius said. "I think you have an admirer."

"Admirer?" Snape repeated. "Yep" Sirius said.

"He loves Potions and has all of your books. He's been talking about your mastery on Potions all week." Sirius explained.

"Do you think he's brewed before?" Snape asked.

"Possibly. I mean it's his absolute favorite subject and he was raised by Salazar." Sirius said.

"I shall watch him during class."

"I don't think you'll be disappointed at all." Sirius assured. Snape looked at the boy. He wondered whether Sirius was just being generous or if the boy was actually that good. Sirius had a point. The boy had been raised by Salazar, so he must be really good. He would check in class today. Harry finally calmed down and ate properly like a pureblood heir. He had memorized everything. He hadn't heard the teaching style of the Professor. He only heard that he was favored Slytherin's and was the strictest teacher in the school. His attention snapped when he saw James coming towards him, looking at the table with disgust.

"Your mother and I believe it would be best if you spent the weekend with us." James snapped and Harry looked up blankly at him.

"No thank you."

"It wasn't an option. You will be collected after dinner. And if you don't come, I will give you detention and take points of Slytherin." James snapped.

"What! You can't do that." Harry exclaimed.

"I can and I will."

"Fine." Harry snapped. "But let me tell you. I would rather do something else than be in your presence." He stormed out of the Great Hall and when he went out, he realized he forgot his book. He snapped his fingers and his bag appeared in front of him. He walked towards the potion's classroom, the same place where Sal had taught him Potions and sighed. He knew he shouldn't have stormed out and Sal would have lectured about how he shouldn't have let his emotions get the best of him, but it was so hard with Potter.

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