Chapter 14

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"Speak" - Speak
'Hi' - Think.
$Parseltongue$ Parseltongue.
#Greetings# Gobbledygook
"Gred"- Fred Weasley
"Forge" - George Weasley. 
"Weasley" - Both

They walked towards Gringotts, and Harry was still amazed at the number of shops. They walked until they came to Gringotts. There he saw a plump red-haired woman. Fussing over a red-haired girl who could be his twin. She had fiery red hair like Lily, and had had hazel brown eyes behind her glasses. She also had a V shaped scar on her cheek.

"Rose" James exclaimed. The girl looked up and when she saw her dad, she ran up to him and hugged him saying "Daddy" She then released him and hugged her mother and said "Mom". "Hello Rosie dear" Lily said with a smile.

Harry was disgusted, he had never seen an heiress doing this, especially in public. He guessed that Lily and James hadn't taught her about the Pureblood customs.

"Rosie, I like to introduce you to your twin brother, Hadrian. Harry this is Rosina." James introduced them.

"Nice to meet you, I suppose." Rosina said bored. Harry raised an eyebrow. 'Perhaps Sal was right, she is rude' He thought. "You too." He returned. She turned, completely ignoring him. 'Yup she's rude.' He thought.

"Dad, Mom we have to go shopping immediately, there is a robe and necklace I need immediately." She pleaded. Harry thought he would refuse, but was shocked when he laughed.

"Of course, Rosie. Anything you want." James said. "But first, we have to go to our vault. Harry hasn't been there."

"Fine." She sighed, as if it were all a big deal. She then looked at Harry and said "We are part of the ancient and noble house of Potter, an ancient and wealthy line."

"Good to know." He replied. She seemed offended by the lack of response, but what did she expect? He was heir of 5 most ancient and most noble houses, which were much wealthier than the Potters.

"I'm the heiress, so it doesn't matter to you." Rosina said.

"I'm first born." He said sharply. She gave him a smug smile.

"Dad and Mom made me Heiress anyway." She said smugly.

He shrugged. He walked towards the bank and greeted the nearest teller, and smiled when he got one back. They were still in conversation, when the Potter family entered. He bowed to the teller, knowing that he had some work to do. They walked to another teller. James didn't treat the Goblin well and Harry shook his head. 'These people say they are from a respected family. How can they be respected if they don't respect people themselves?' He thought.

They then went to the cart and went towards the Potter vault. Thankfully Harry had taken enough money from his Gryffindor Vault, there was no way he was taking them to his vault. They reached the vault, and the vault opened. Harry was impressed, they had enough money, but nearly laughed because it was much less compared to his vault. Rosina caught his impressed look and smiled smugly.

"The potter family's wealth has been growing for centuries." She informed him. "We have a huge Manor, I love it."

Harry raised an eyebrow; he had heard of people gloating about their wealth. She had grown in a manor, while he had grown up at Hogwarts with the founders. He had a much better childhood than her.

"C'mon Rose, Harry take how much ever you want." James encouraged. Harry briefly smirked, before he put on a blank expression.

"Ok" He answered. If James was allowing him to take, he would. He was given a pouch and nearly laughed as it was bottomless. He walked inside and took two handfuls of gold. He walked back outside and Rosina went in and took a lot of money. They then went back to the cart and rode back to the main lobby. Rosina then bounced all the way to Madam Malkin's and harry rolled his eyes. She barged inside without even knocking and walked to the shop owner who immediately gasped and began searching for robes for the 'girl-who-lived-to-be-a-pain'. Harry rolled his eyes at the scene and saw there were three people there. A couple and their son. The man and the boy, who was his age, had pale skin and blond hair. The man had cold grey eyes, while the boy had grey eyes with flecks of blue. The woman had blond hair with streaks of black in it. She had pale skin and blue eyes.

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