Chapter 43

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought

The planned for hours, anything and everything was put on the table to see if it was possible and it became very apparent that the twins had quite the nasty streak, or they did in regards to Rosina Potter anyway. They had agreed to even the wildest suggestions, adding their own to make it worse. When dinner arrived, the twins were all but bowed out of the Slytherin room, with an invitation to come back and they agreed that the meeting room was the Potions classroom; there was no suspicion there.

"Remember." Flint called, helping organize the Slytherins with the prefects. "We present a united front. We go as a house and we leave as a house; we are Slytherin."

As one the Slytherin House approached the Great Hall. The doors were pushed open and they entered silently. It was a spectacle. The first years came in first, led by Draco Malfoy, then the second years followed by the third, fourth, fifth and sixth years and then closing the group were the seventh years. Each and every one had blank expressions on their faces; they walked to their table and sat as one. The rest of the Great Hall watched in shock, they had never seen anything like it and Severus, who had to leave the hospital due to dinner, looked at his house in complete pride and approval. Dumbledore rose to his feet with a gentle smile on his face, projecting the perfect calm.

"I know some of you are wondering about the terrible accident that occurred in the Quidditch Pitch, today- "He was cut off by the low hissing that suddenly arose from the House of Snakes, it was clear why they had their name by the sounds they were making and even their flag was twisting furiously as the collective House Magic reflected their pure outrage.

"I would like you to know that Mr. Potter- "He was cut off again but this time by Snape who had his death glare directed at the headmaster.

"Mr. Black, headmaster."

Dumbledore sent him an apologetic look.

"My apologies. Mr. Black is recovering, and be this as a reminder, Quidditch is a dangerous game, accidents happen."

Both Rose and James Potter smirked which, unfortunately for them, didn't go unnoticed by the Slytherins, every Snake turned a murderous glare at the pair, who recoiled. Flint, who was sat in the middle of the fifth years (I know he's sixth, but let's keep it this way.), stood looking directly at Rosina Potter, there was no emotion on his face as he stared at her and only when she shifted uncomfortable, did he speak.

"You have harmed on of our own." Flint stated to Rosina. "The attack will no go unpunished." Flint nodded to the table and they stood as one, this time the 7th years led out and the whole House vanished without eating, the promise was clear; prepare for the consequences.

As soon as dinner finished, Snape went back to the hospital wing to tell the others of the happenings; it was silent as he entered. Sirius and Remus were staring at their son and the Malfoys were silently comforting each other. Servers walked in and stood next to the others.

"Dumbledore is still labelling this as an accident." He told them quietly.

"That man is going to allow her to go unpunished for nearly killing my son." Sirius stated, his eyes still on Hadrian.

"Dumbledore will, but Slytherin won't."

"There is not much they can do." Sirius sighed but Lucius, Narcissa and Severus smirked.

"You were not in our house, Sirius, our rules are a lot different compared to other houses and Flint has already thrown down the promise."

The Malfoys looked at Severus in shock.


"They entered in form, and when Dumbledore called it an accident, Flint stood up and stated that the attack would not go unpunished and then the House left it form"

"They entered in form?" Lucius repeated shocked.

"Yes, it was perfectly done. It was something you never saw, Luc. They even hissed as one." Snape shook his head and the Malfoys blinked.

"Merlin. I almost feel sorry for Gryffindor."

"I think we are missing something." Remus spoke for the first time; he had got his wolf under control and was calm.

"In Slytherin there are rules. You will never see a Snake alone, you will never see a Slytherin arguing with another Slytherin outside the common room, you will never see a Slytherin disagree with another Slytherin. And the most crucial one we stand by is we Slytherins take care of their own. To attack a Slytherin is to attack all the Slytherins and that is not something we let go, I believe the Dark Lord put forth these rules." Snape said.

"But, what about when we were in school?" Sirius pointed out and Sirius and Lucius smirked.

"We are Slytherins, we don't retaliate to the open."

"Remember after 5th year, you came up with a simply awful problem?" Snape asked and Sirius' eyes widened and then winced, he had had a serious problem with himself but he had placed the blame on the other marauders who were pissed with him.

"That was you?" Sirius gasped and Snape smirked.

"You didn't honestly believe that I would let that go? I am the youngest Potions master in the world and by then I was well on my way to because the Master, it was handy creation made just for you."

Sirius looked at Severus and hastily shuffled away, while Remus snickered.

"That was only my friends who helped with that, this is the entire house and as an open promise has been issued, Rosina potter is in for a rough time."

Sirius smirked.

"And they will have inside help." He murmured looking at Remus, who grinned.

"What do you mean?" Narcissa asked.

"Hadrian and your son are very close friends with persons who could make Rosina's life in the tower hell, and knowing them they will all be for helping."

Narcissa looked confused as did Lucius, Snape frowned before his eyes widened.

"Oh, Merlin. They're friends with them?!"

There was nothing reassuring in the marauders grins and Snape shuddered.

"Who is it?"

"It seems your son and Hadrian are friends with the Weasley twins." Snape told him and Lucius swallowed, he had seen some of the pranks of the twins.

"The school is going to descend into hell."

They all smirked; this would be interesting. 

Words: 1082
Haloooooooooo guys, I hope you like the chapter. Imma upload tmrw. BYE!
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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