Chapter 32

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"Hi" Speech
'hi' - Thought
"Stupefy" - Spells

Staying with the Malfoys was different from what Harry, Sirius and Remus expected. Lucius was crisp and cool. Though he looked like a Pureblood on the outside, he was very kind and amusing to have around. He and Sirius talked about the Wizengamot and re-establishing the alliance of the House of Black and House of Malfoy. They both agreed and said they'd do it in the next Wizengamot meeting. Narcissa was mother through and through. She loved Draco.

Harry was also subjected to Narcissa's mothering. She insisted that without out Sirius would teach Harry his wild ways, and that was not acceptable. Sirius pouted for a while after that. Not that Harry minded, Narcissa after all reminded him a lot about Rowena. They all had become really close in the first fey days itself, and when Severus arrived it was brilliant. They decorated the Malfoy manor, and Harry was amazed at the evergreen covering every shelf and mantle.

Harry and Draco had a great time, relaxing, flying and pranking, even if they did get scolded for not following the rules. Harry realized that they would have to be sneakier if they didn't want to get caught. Harry was currently writing an idea he had since the beginning of the year. He suddenly froze and broke into a wide grin. He bolted into the sitting room where the adults were sitting, waving his journal.

"I have done it. I am a fricking genius and I have proved it with this." Harry announced to everyone. Sirius started laughing at the utter disbelief on Narcissa's and Lucius' face.

"Your modesty astounds me, Harry." Severus drawled, as he was used to the random bouts of appreciation the boy would give himself. The boy grinned.

"Wait till you see this." Harry said handing the journal to Severus. He raised his eyebrows as he read it.

"This is amazing. All the components are correct and even though it's a complex potion, I have no doubt that you'll make it." Severus said.

"Sometimes I surprise myself with my intelligence." Harry said sighing as he sat down. "It's like I was born to be smart."

"Where did the idea come from?"

"I created a spell that does the same thing, but it is tricky to cast." Harry said shrugging.

"You've created a spell." Lucius exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes, and edited a few. Create a potion, well two now actually."

"Are you sure you're 11?"

Harry grinned.

"Pretty sure, yea."

"What's the spell?" Narcissa asked. Harry waved his hand and he vanished. He decided to have a little fun and was amused when everyone was looking around in confusion.

"That is much better than a normal disillusion spell." Lucius said, impressed. Harry smirked and crept up behind Lucius' chair.

"I agree." He said, lifting the spell as Lucius turned around.

He nearly collapsed laughing when Lucius jumped from the chair in fright, screeching. Sirius, Remus and Draco were laughing their heads of. Narcissa giggled and even Severus chuckled.

"Oh Merlin, that was the funniest thing." Harry gasped out, ignoring the glare sent at him.

"Please refrain from doing that."

"Lucius, I've never seen you jump so violently." Narcissa told him. Lucius scowled but his eyes gave away mirth.

"You can use the lab to try this when we return to school." Snape said and Harry grinned. He snapped his fingers and the book disappeared back to his room.

"Why did you edit the accio spell?" Narcissa asked.

"I got sick of waiting for things to fly to me hitting Circe knows what, so I edited it." Harry explained and she nodded.

"Before you came, declaring your brilliance, we were talking about Potter." Remus said. Harry raised his eyebrow.

"Why would you waste valuable speech talking about that?"

"I was just explaining to Cissa and Lucy (Who scowled) how unbearable he has become and what his spawn is like." Sirius said and Harry wrinkled his nose.

"The wonder child is so annoying and our flying instructor is a first-class prick."

"Language." Remus and Narcissa chided at the same time.

"Sirius what have you done to the poor boy."

"Why is it always my fault?" When he got blank looks from the rest of the room, he sighed and shook is head.

"Let's talk about better things."

"Yea." Draco said and the two smirked.

"PRESENTS." They yelled.

"Yes, we know, it's Yule tomorrow."

"Come on Sev, you're supposed to be cheerful." Harry pointed out and the Potions Master rolled his eyes.

"Brats the pair of you."

"Oh, Harry I found the book. It's in my room." Draco said and Harry's eyes lit up.

"Come on." Harry said and together they went to Draco's room.

"What are they up to?" Lucius questioned.

"I don't want to know." The three professors sighed. 

Words: 803. 
Sorry for the short chapter, but i still hope you enjoy it. I'll upload on Monday. Bye!
Boredlife07 Signing off.

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