Chapter 47

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"Hi" - speech
'hi' - Thought

As he never did anything in halves, he expected his retaliation to be massive. Harry had left Rosina, James and Dumbledore alone for the entire week and had called of his house and the twins from pranking any of them, promising them that he personally had something planned and that he wanted to lure them into a false sense of security. He wanted them to believe that they were untouchable and that worked. Rosina was back to her cocky self-strutting around the castle like she owned it and James was as arrogant as ever, both still smug over the fact that there had been no hit backs, that they had gotten away with their actions. Harry couldn't help but smirk every time he saw them.

He hadn't heard anything from the other teachers and Rosina wasn't punished, according to Severus. Dumbledore had stated in a staff meeting that it was a 'grievous accident' and cut of all other speech, so the man was blocking the staff too. Harry also kept a hawk eye on Lily Potter and planned to talk to her after sometime. There was something seriously wrong with her. Severus also had found out that something was wrong with her. He had found out the Severus and Lily used to be childhood friends.

"When are you expecting it?" Draco asked lowly, and Harry cast tempus.

"Right. About. Now."

Hundreds of owls swooped in carrying the morning post at his last spoken word and the two boys shared a grin. Harry was at the edge of his seat, waiting for his owl, the bird landed in front of him and he all but threw the coins in the pouch and snatched the paper from its beak. Just as he suspected his retaliation was right there on the front page.

Black-Lupin vs Potter

Secrets exposed!

Last week it was the final of the Hogwarts Quidditch cup and it was the much-labeled rivalry; Slytherin vs Gryffindor. The build up to the match was said to be tense and when the match arrived it was great. The two teams had new additions this year in the seeker position. For Slytherin, it was Hadrian Regulus Loki Black-Lupin, son of Sirius Black-Lupin and Remus Black-Lupin and heir to the houses of Black, Lupin and Howell and for Gryffindor it was Rosina Lillian Potter, the Girl-Who-Lived, destroyer of You-Know-Who, daughter of James Potter and Lily-Evans Potter, and heiress to the Ancient and Noble house of Potter. It was the battle to find the elusive golden snitch and win the Quidditch cup.

Hadrian Black-Lupin pulled off, what is said to be his signature move and jumped from his broom to catch the snitch; then tragedy struck. Heir Black plummeted through the air and fell well over 50 feet and he didn't get up. He was rushed to the Hogwarts hospital wing where Lady Narcissa Selene Malfoy, his godmother, worked desperately to save his life. After a week in coma, Hadrian made full recovery and he had in fact won the Quidditch game and cup for Slytherin House.

The true nature of what happened during the match is unknown; some have labelled it as a tragic accident, but there have been rumors that Heiress Potter slammed into Heir Black-Lupin and when he tried to grab his broom, she kicked it out of his reach which caused him to fall from the sky. In result to these rumors Lord James Potter was available for comment.

"What happened in the Quidditch match was a horrific accident and I am glad Heir Black has mad full recover. Quidditch is a dangerous game, accidents happen. Students shouldn't attempt stunts, unless they are confident that they can actually execute it, Heir Black-Lupin obviously wasn't. The fact that my daughter is being accused of things she didn't even do is just disgusting and I assure the public that Rosina isn't capable of doing such a thing."

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