Chapter 30

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought
"Stupefy" - Spells

The two of them were just heading to History with the rest of their year mates, when they ran into James Potter.

"I've come to inform you that you will be spending Christmas here with the family. So, you need to sign up." Potter told him in a stiff voice. Harry looked blankly at the man, wondering if he was stupid.

"I apologize sir. It seems you've got the wrong person. I'm and orphan you see." Harry said his voice even.

"You will do as your told. With your behavior it's the least you can do." James snapped.

"The least you could have done was not throw away one of your children, but we all know how that worked." Harry shot back and James's expression went dark.

"He won't be staying here as he is coming to Malfoy manor with me and my family." Draco said eyeing James Potter with distaste.

"No son of mine will stay with Filthy Death Eaters." James spat.

"Well then it's lucky you have a daughter." Harry said and walked around him, with Draco.

"Its like he loses his intelligence every time we see him." Draco said.

"Thanks for helping me Dray." Harry said but Draco waved it off.

"It's not as if I lied back there." Draco said.

"Since when am I coming back to yours for yule?" Harry questioned and Draco blinked.

"Didn't I tell you?"


"You, Sirius and Remus have been invited to Malfoy Manor this yule. It sees Sirius took my advice and wrote to mother. She insisted that the three of you come. Uncle Sev will be there too." Draco explained and Harry grinned.

"Brilliant. We'll stop by later to make sure they're going." Harry said and ran to catch up with their housemates.

"There are very few people who saw no to my mother. Sirius is not one of them." Draco whispered. The lesson was very interesting. It was about Vampire Wars. Sirius pretended to be a Vampire sneaking behind Moony and making the usually calm professor yelp and fire multiple spells. What was funny was Moony clearly wasn't thinking about the spells he fired because Sirius ended up bright purple with a bow on his head. Sirius glared at his fellow professor as Moony smiled sheepishly. Their next class, to Harry's misfortune was Transfiguration which meant dealing with-

"I can't believe your running off to a Filthy Death Eaters house rather than stay with us." Rosina said, glaring at him.

"What gives the idea that I want to stay with people like you?" Harry asked.

"It's pathetic that you aren't over your jealousy. As soon as you accept that I am famous and better trained everything will be ok." She announced and Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Do you even hear yourself?" He asked.

"The truth hurts." She answered. She was saved from Harry wanting the hex her so badly when Professor Mcgonagall allowed them into the classroom. The lesson was quick followed by lunch, double Herbology with the puffs and a free period.

Draco and Harry sat with their year mates helping them with homework. Harry helped Daphne and Blaise with the spell in transfiguration and Draco helped Pansy, Theo and Tracey with charms. They had been told that the Slytherin first years had the highest overall score and they wanted to keep it that way. Draco reminded Harry about the invitation and they went to his uncles' quarters where he greeted them with a bright smile.

"I'm going to take a guess and say that Draco told you what we're doing for Yule." Sirius said and Harry nodded.

"Potter was under the assumption that I would be staying here for Christmas with them." Harry said.

"And what made him believe that you would actually want to spend time with them?" Sirius questioned in disbelief.

"He said the same thing." Draco said pointing at Harry.

"I'm looking forward to seeing Cissa. It's been so long. At least now she knows that my views have changed. Thankfully we have been corresponding with each other for the past few months, thanks to you Draco." Sirius said.

"Mother said the same thing." Draco said. He was happy that his best friend was coming. He knew he would not come without Sirius and Remus, and since his mother wanted them to come, he was ecstatic.

"I'm feeling the same." Sirius agreed. "And better now that we see eye to eye rather than different. I can't wait to see dear old Cissa and Lucy."

Draco choked at that name and was offended, much to Sirius' amusement.

"What do you mean see eye to eye?" Harry asked and Sirius sighed.

"When I was younger, I tried hard to be different from other Blacks, who were known for being dark. Then I met Potter who was strictly light. I wanted to fit it and become light. So, I distanced myself from the other Blacks, and ran away from home when I was sixteen. I hated my parents at that time, always forcing me to become dark." Sirius said shaking his head. "When Potter decided to show his true colors, I realized how true my parents had been. I finally understood there is not much difference between light and dark. Narcissa gave me a bit of information on the dark Lord and was shocked when I found out he didn't hate muggleborns. Turns out he only kills people for war. His own father was a muggleborn."

"True." Harry said, knowing that he would choose light over dark any day.

"Another thing is that the Dark Lord wanted to make some changes in the Wizarding World. He wanted all creatures to be respected rather than treated like mud. According to me the so-called dark is not so bad after all and the light is the real dark. I still shudder to think what Cissa might to do Potter if I told her he had sent his child to Muggles." Sirius said.

"You didn't tell it to her?" Draco asked and Sirius shook his head.

"I'll tell her sometime later."

"Well, you can tell her during Yule, that way we can introduce Hades to mother and Father. I only told them that he was my best friend and was sorted into Slytherin breaking the Potter tradition."

"Is there going to be a ball?" Remus asked.

"No thankfully." Draco answered.

"Thank Merlin. I may have taken my Lordship for the Wizengamot, but there is no way I'm going to be prepared for a ball."

"Don't worry Siri, we'll get you and Mooney ready for the Pureblood Society in no time." Harry said.

"And you'll be dancing in no time." Draco added. They ran laughing as the adults took in what they heard and let out cries. 

Words: 1130
I am soooo sorry for not uploading on time. But here's the chapter. Hope you like it. Bye!
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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