chapter 11

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Noah led me into school, he apologized saying "I know it's embarrassing to have me walk in with you but I need to collect forms for Sebastian to sign" I wasn't too bothered though as I felt better not having to walk in on my own.

We reached the office, a middle aged woman with blonde hair sat behind a computer, whilst talking to a student.
"Ah Mr Adams, and you must be Riley" the woman said as she saw us, I nodded and let Noah do the talking "my brother is dealing with a family issue but will return the forms tonight when he picks Riley up, Lucas will also be a little late as he is with Sebastian at the moment" the woman nodded and got out some forms, she then handed me a sheet of paper, I looked down and saw my timetable.
Today didn't seem to bad.
English (9am till 10 20am)
Maths (10.20am till 11. 15)
Break (11.15 till 11.30)
Art (11.30 till 12. 15)
History (12.15 till 1.15)
Lunch ( 1. 15 till 1.50)
Spanish ( 1.50 till 3.00)

"And this is Jacob, he will be showing you around"
Noah looked at Jacob and it was obvious he was judging him, he eventually nodded "if you hurt her, say goodbye to everything and everyone you love" he whispered but I heard. Jacob gulped "yes sir" Noah seemed to approve and turned to me "have a great day, if anyone gives you any trouble let Sebastian and I know" I nodded "I will" he smiled and said goodbye before leaving.

"I will give you both a late pass for English but you best get going. Here is your locker number and combination" she handed me 2 pieces of paper and one to Jacob. I saw one was about the locker and the other a late pass.

Jacob and I went to my locker first, I was still scared of him, after all guys were not good. "So the school offers a range of extra curricular activities, I myself am part of the basket ball team. The school it's self is quite large so you will get lost quite a bit" he told me as he began a small tour. Out of nowhere another boy appeared, this one was wearing a leather jacket but looked vaguely similar to Jacob "hey new girl, I hope my brother isn't boring you with irrelevant facts. I'm Blake" he said and held out his hand. I automatically flinched and both boys gave me a curious but concerned look "I know we got given a late pass but we should get to class, Mr Jones hates late students" Jacob said and I nodded. I already screwed up, he hates being around me. I look around and notice Blake had gone, probably because he can't are to be anywhere near me. "Don't mind my brother, he's actually 16 but got held back a year so he will probably be in a few of your classes" he said and led me to English.

Mr Jones didn't say much only "I suppose your the new girl, go find a seat" and unfortunately the only seat available was next to Blake who it turns out was in this class.

He tried to talk to me but I ignored him, we were doing analysis, Mr Jones told me I didn't have to worry about anwsering questions but I must make notes. The class ended and I was shocked that it was already 10.20am. Apparently classes lasted longer depending on the day and period it was in.

Soon it was lunch time and Blake and I had become sort of friends, he was in all my classes today so not knowing anyone else and the seat next to him being free for all classes I had sat next to him, Jacob showed me the rest of the school during break, we spoke in Art and History and he had invited me to sit with him but I declined. He had introduced me to his friend group at break and most were guys, there was no way I could sit with them without having a panic attack. Blake however refused to let me go to the library saying that I had to eat first.

"Why are you hanging out with him"

I turn and see Lucas with his friends. I noticed Lucas looking even more pissed off. "I suggest you stay away from him Riley" he continued. "You don't get to decide who I spend my time with" I reply making Lucas even more annoyed.
Well shit. "So disrespectful" he muttered and my eyes widen at the memory of Sebastian giving me the rules. Be respectful

God I was such a screw up. He would tell Sebastian and he would be punish me. "What's it to you Adams who she hangs round with" Blake said. "I don't like you" Lucas said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "That makes two of us, I despise you and your family"

He hated me

Lucas seemed to pick up on this and laughed "I'll see you at home dear sister" and then he walked off.
Blake turned to me and looked at me with shock "you're his sister" he asked and I nodded. "I'm sorry, I'll go now" I whisper. Before I could walk away he lightly grabbed my arm, it made me flinch but thankfully he didn't bring it up. "I don't like your brothers, I didn't know you were their sister. I'm not gonna suddenly stop being friends with you because of a last name. Let's go get some lunch....they do feed you right, you look a little....underweight" he said and I smiled. I still had a friend "yeah they feed me" I reassure.
Kevin barely gave me enough to survive

Lunch went quite quick and Blake and I headed to Spanish. We met up with Clara on the way, Clara was one of Blake's friends who I had briefly met but she was doing a lunch detention so she didn't join us for lunch.
"Mr Davies is apparently giving us a pop quiz" she said and Blake rolled his eyes
"Lo odio" he spat making me smirk. "Oh come on Blake, you know I'm terrible at Spanish" Clara said with a hint of annoyance. "He said he hates him" I tell her and both of them looked at me in shock. "Yeah, I know it's a shock, let's get to class" I quickly say not wanting to explain how I knew.

I thought Blake was exaggerated when he said he hated him but I could see why. Mr Davies picked on everyone and called them out when they didn't know. I think he hated me by the end of class because he tried to ask me something expecting me not to know the anwser but when I anwsered him in perfect Spanish he not only looked suprised but the entire class laughed.

After class Blake had to go meet his brother and so it was just me and Clara who left together. I saw Sebastian talking to Lucas and I gulped when I saw Sebastian looked annoyed.
"You ok" Clara asks and I nod "yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, my brother is here" I say and she looks over "ok see you tommorow"

I walked over to Sebastian and Lucas, Sebastian smiled at me and Lucas glared. "You have to tell her to stop being friends with him, he's a bad influence" Lucas complained and I presumed it was about Blake. "Why is he a bad influence" Sebastian asked in a bored tone. "He's always causing trouble, he starts fights, he's rude, he's dangerous" Lucas shouted. "Are you sure you're not describing yourself" I ask and Sebastian looks like he's trying his hardest not to laugh.


Blake Pov

I was walking out of school when I see Riley with her brother's. I have to admit I didn't expect to get along with her so well and i am still A little surprised how fast we became friends. I started to walk over to say goodbye however I stopped when I heard Lucas. "He's always causing trouble, he starts fights, he's rude, he's dangerous" I then snickered when I heard Riley's response. Then an idea struck me, I grabbed some guy who was walking past "give me your glasses" I say , he quickly does because he obviously feared me. "Wait here and hold my jacket" I say and quickly take my leather jacket off. I now looked more like a nerd now which I found amusing. I quickly headed over "hi Riley I just wanted to wish you a good night, have a great evening and we will meet up tommorow morning. Maybe we can talk to Clara about starting a study session" I say and I see Lucas glaring. "Sebastian this is Blake" Riley introduced with a smile. Sebastian looked at me then Lucas "this is Blake, the guy that's suppose to be dangerous. I was expecting something a little more. You're just being dramatic Lucas" he said and I smiled. Job done.

Riley pulled me to the side "why did you do that" she asked. "I overhead your brother say I was dangerous so why not show Sebastian that I'm harmless" I laugh at my reason and she smiles "his face was priceless" she agreed.
"I'll see you tomorrow, thanks for that" she says and I nod "my pleasure. See you tomorrow"

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