chapter 106

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"she saw the letters, she knows"

After Noah managed to calm Sebastian down, the brothers finally took in what Sebastian had said when he walked in.

Riley knew.

"How do we handle this" Noah asked.

Sebastian truly had no idea.

"They have school, maybe we tell them after school" Sebastian suggested.

"Do we even make them go. Lucas found out last night and now Riley. Do they need time to process" Noah asked.

"I think it's best. I mean I know Lucas needs to process everything still and Riley needs anwsers but they need normality too" Sebastian said.

"Ok so we tell them to come home after school and we tell Riley" Noah said.

Sebastian nodded and he put on what Noah considered to be a fake smile and he left.

Sebastian was fully prepared for Riley to question him but when he entered the kitchen she didn't ask anything, instead she quietly ate, Lucas was sat on his phone as he ate so that wasn't of concern, it was his usual behaviour after all. "Sebastian are you okay" Lucas asked spotting his brother come in. Riley looked to Sebastian for the anwser as well.

"I'm fine, Riley you're oddly quiet, are you okay" Sebastian asked.

She had read the letters.
She had seen the vile words.

"Yeah, Im sorry for looking at....well looking at them early" Riley said, she was feeling guilty for not hearing Sebastian out sooner.

"What did you look at? Surely Sebastian would let you do almost anything, wait are you two talking again...oh shit did she see the letters" Lucas said.

"Yeah she saw them this morning, I didn't realize I left them out on the cabinet last night"

"Oh so you didn't give her them, that means she was in your room which means you were talking which means you are getting back on decent terms" Lucas stated, he really wanted his brother and sister back on talking terms.

"That is a good question, we will get into the letters later but surely you can tell us if you're speaking again" Noah said walking into the kitchen.

Sebastian looked to Riley "are we" he asked.

"I can't forgive you yet but I will listen to your reasons" Riley told Sebastian, who smiled.

"That's all I ask. Thank you" Sebastian was happy hearing that she was finally willing to listen.

"Why were you even in his room" Lucas asked Riley, Lucas only asked because he was curious, she was saying how much she hated him the other day so something must have happened to make her go to him which concerned him.

Riley looked over to Sebastian for help she wasn't prepared to tell her brothers she had a nightmare.

"Well we both were going for breakfast and she needed something signed for school so I went back to my room for a pen and she walked in with me with the form and I got a call so I stepped away"
Sebastian explained. It wasn't his place to tell his siblings about the nightmare so he didn't.

"I could have signed it" Noah asked.

"Yeah, I offered to sign it before she took it to you" Sebastian said. He knew if Riley needed something signing she would have gone to Noah.

Both Noah and Lucas nodded and accepted the anwser, the four of them then ate breakfast.

"So Lucas I have already explained everything to you so you don't exactly need to be here but you can be if you want. Riley, tonight after school I will explain everything to you, about the letters, about everything" Sebastian spoke as he stood.

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