chapter 112

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The day passed by slowly for Riley, she didn't want to bother her friends as she spent time with them yesterday. Lucas had a big exam coming up so he spent the majority of the time studying, he was behind a little due to his past behaviour but he was still very smart so he was confident he would pass.

Around 1pm he stopped studying and went to find Riley, Riley had told him she had homework to do so he hadn't bothered her.

"Hey Riley can I come in" he asked after knocking.

Riley had been doing a bit of homework but it was boring so when Lucas came she was more than happy to stop doing her work.

"Yeah come in" she called.

Lucas happily came in. "Sorry I haven't been about this morning, how about we go get some food for lunch" he suggested.

"Anything to stop doing work"

Lucas laughed, at least she wasn't fully like Sebastian. Sebastian enjoyed work.

"What do you feel like eating" he asked as he helped her put away her homework.
"Anything" Riley just was glad to have a excuse not to do her homework. She liked school and she enjoyed learning but her homework today was boring her.

"Okay I know this diner we can go there. I'll grab my jacket"

"Okay, I just need to put my shoes on"

Lucas noticed, Riley still had Sebastian's hoodie on but she was now dressed in her clothes rather than pajamas. He found it quite adorable and maybe he was a little jealous of how close they were.
Maybe this was his chance to be as close as Sebastian.

They got to the diner not long later and found a booth. Lucas automatically knew what he wanted as he had been here several times before.  Riley was quick to choose what she wanted.

The two of them started talking.  One thing they had in common was sarcasm and wittiness. Lucas had noticed it several time but he knew Riley was not fully comfortable using it like he did, when the two of them were together though,  Riley was very witty, and the back talk she gave was very surprising. He didn't mind though, she was like him in a sense.

After they had lunch, Lucas was determined to make their time together last longer so they got brownies for dessert.

As they were leaving a group of girls, which Lucas recognised as a group from which he used to hang out with.

"Hi Lukie"  one of the girls who appeared to be in charge said.

Riley snickered at the name, she couldn't wait to tell Sebastian. He would definitely find it amusing.

"It's Lucas" Lucas snapped, he didn't want to be around them and he didn't want Riley exposed to them.

"But Lukie sounds so much cuter, I was just wondering where you have been, we never see you anymore Lukie, we-I miss you" the girl said as she put her hand over Lucas' hand

Riley couldn't help laugh more. This was comical for her.
"Lukie" she muttered in a mocking tone, Lucas chose to ignore her.

"I stopped that shit a while ago, you better leave now" Lucas said with a similar but less authoritive tone to Noah.

The group sent Riley a hateful glare, they didn't know it was his sister and so they weren't happy with Lucas spending time with her.

Riley picked up on the glare and the reason for their hatred, without missing a beat she stood up "Lukie I'm tired can we go home and watch films together"

Lucas smirked, he knew what she was doing and he felt proud that she was brave enough to say it.

"Of course but we need snacks" Lucas replied. He didn't mind her calling him Lukie even if he hated it. Just as long as she was happy, he didn't care.

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