chapter 33

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School went slow, we had officially welcomed Liam and a few of his friends into our small friendship group.
Now there was Blake, Clara, Liam, Chris, Ryan, Anna and I.
Blake and I had become close especially since we both loved to piss off Lucas who was currently sat at the oppersite side of the cafeteria with his friends however he was glaring daggers at blake, who was sat next to me. "He really dislikes you" I whisper and Blake smirks "wanna get him even more annoyed" he asks and I nod. Blake doesn't reply instead he puts his arm around my shoulder, he paused and looked at me silently asking if it was okay and I nod. Blake wasn't a threat.
Lucas saw this and not even seconds later he had stood up and was walking towards us.
"Why is Lucas Adams coming up to us" Ryan asked no one in particular.
"He looks pissed" Anna stated.

"I suggest you move your arm" Lucas said ignoring everyone but Blake and I.
"I think I'm good" Blake smirked and Lucas looked furious.
"It's okay Lucas, I don't mind" I tell him, starting to realize this was a mistake.
Lucas looked at me with anger "It isn't ok" he said and seconds later Blake was on the floor and Lucas gave him a swift kick before walking away.
"Oh god, Blake I'm so sorry" I said helping him up.
"It's fine, didn't even hurt" he said loud enough so Lucas turned back around.
"Allow me to make sure it hurts" Lucas snapped and turned back around.
"No. You are not going to touch him. Besides Sebastian won't be happy with you" I say stepping in front of Lucas. I notice how bloodshot his eyes were and my confidence dissapears. He had been doing drugs.
Kevin did a range of drugs.
Drugs made people unpredictable.
He must have sensed my uneasyness because he backed off and walked away as the bell rung signalling we had only 5 minutes to get to class.

(Time skip because nothing else interesting is going to happen)

Thankfully Noah was waiting outside of school when I walked out. Blake was by my side and had offered to give me a ride because he didn't want me going anywhere with Lucas, he had seen how high he was too.

"Noah's here, thanks for the offer" I tell him and he looks at my brother, assessing him much like Sebastian. "Ok call or message if anything" he tells me and I nod.

"Hey Riley, how was school" Noah asked once I approached him. He glanced at Blake who was walking over to his brother.
"Yeah it was alright" I say deciding not to throw Lucas under the bus.
"Good I'm glad. Sebastian and I will be talking to you and Lucas when we get home" he said in a tone that left no room for argument so I just nod.

Lucas was already in Sebastians office when Noah guided me inside. I had been in Sebastians office before but this time it seemed a little more serious.

 I had been in Sebastians office before but this time it seemed a little more serious

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Sebastian sat in the chair behind his desk, Lucas sat on one of the chairs in front

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Sebastian sat in the chair behind his desk, Lucas sat on one of the chairs in front. Sebastian was just sat glaring at Lucas and I shuddered.
"Take a seat Riley" Sebastian said giving me a small smile. I reluctantly took a seat and Noah who saw how nervous I was stood behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.
Talks in his office were usually done on the sofa so this must be serious.
"So now that you're both here" Sebastian starts and I gulp and start to think back to everything I could have done to piss him off. Another question came to mind. How did Lucas get here first?
"He drives faster" Noah whispered probably knowing what I was thinking.
"Yes and that's why you are giving your keys. Again" Sebastian said to Lucas who looked annoyed but handed them over.
"A whole office meeting because I drove a little faster than normal?" Lucas asked and Sebastian seemed even more pissed.
"You think because you had it tough you can do whatever the hell you fucking want" Sebastian shouted, his fist hit the desk making me jump. Noah quickly pulled me out of the chair and into a hug.
"Riley is here" Noah said as he held me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mess with him" I whispered thinking this was about how Blake and I messed with Lucas. Sebastian looked at me and his hard look softened "Riley I apologize for acting like this. You are here because your idiot brother started a fight and was clearly high in school. I want you here to give your version of events" he calmly said and I sighed with relief, he wasn't angry with me.
"I'm not being punished" I can't help but ask.
I shouldn't have asked though because Sebastian looks angry then it turned to sadness then guilt. He gets up and seconds later I'm taken from Noah's arm and Sebastian has me in a hug. "No never, I'm sorry for the way I acted" he said and of course I forgive him.
"He fucking put his hands on her, he touched her, was I suppose to sit and watch" Lucas shouted and I shuddered at how he worded it.
"What the fuck, did he hurt you, where did he touch you" Sebastian asked pulling me back but still holding me. "He just put his arm on my shoulder, I let him" I say making it clear I consented even though it was just a arm however I knew how protective they all were.
"Ooo has my little sister found herself a boyfriend already" Noah teased and I shook my head.
I didn't want a boyfriend.
"What's his name" Noah asked.
"Blake, he's really nice but he's just a friend. Lucas was glaring at us so we decided to mess with him and Blake put his arm around my shoulder to do so" I explain expecting myself to be in trouble. Instead I hear Noah laugh and I look up and even Sebastian was smirking. "I think I like Blake even more" Sebastian stated and then he guided me to the chair I was previously sat on. "What happened after that" he asked kneeling in front of me. "you already know" I state knowing that he must know if we were having a conversation about it. "The principal called, said my siblings had been involved in a fight and that many teachers had complained and brought up concern about Lucas behaviour, I. Don't know the details though" . he explained.
"Lucas threw Blake on the floor and kicked him, then Blake teased him but I couldn't let Blake get hurt so I stood in front of him" I quickly explain and he nods "ok you can leave now" Sebastian said and stood up fully again.

I don't think Lucas was happy though because as I stood he stood "are you actually allowing Blake to make a move on her, especially after the coach. Like what the hell Sebastian"

"Mr Sparks?" Noah questioned and Lucas nodded.
"After everything that's happened you should ban her from speaking to any boy that isn't us"

Please no.

"Now why the hell would I do that. Riley needs interaction with both genders besides I'm not about to tell her who she can and can't befriend"

'but sparks" Lucas protected.

"Yes and my baby won't be able to move past this if she is constantly reminded of what he did. I make the rules around here and I'm giving you both a new rule.
Riley, you can be friends with whoever you want so ignore him
Lucas don't tell my baby who she can and can't befriend. As long as they don't emotionally or physically hurt her then it's fine"

"What did sparks do"

So I'm never a fan of those books were the girl isn't allowed to even speak to guys which honestly is a awful. Soooo that's why I want to make it so Riley is open with Sebastian and Noah about guys just like in my book promise.

And Sebastian will be talking to Lucas alone still.

I realized I'm lacking a few pictures of their house so that will be next too.

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