chapter 12

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It was now my second day at school. Last night had gone by so quick, I had worked on my homework all evening, apart from at dinner I didn't see the boys. I wasnt avoiding them, I just didn't want to get into trouble...ok I was avoiding them.

I went downstairs for breakfast, I was quite anxious but I pushed it aside and walked into the kitchen. It was just Noah thankfully no Lucas. Noah was sat drinking coffee and looking at files. "Good morning Riley, breakfast is in the microwave, it might need warming up" he spoke but didn't take his eyes of the files. I walk to the microwave and see 2 omlettes. "Thanks Noah" I reply and even though he didn't look up I saw a small smile on his face. I decided not to bother him as he looked busy so I warmed the omlettes up and took a seat.

I had just finished when Sebastian walked in followed by Lucas. I gulped. Lucas had probably told Sebastian how I was disrespectful.
"Good morning Riley" Sebastian spoke.
"Good morning sir...I mean Sebastian" i correct myself. He doesn't say anything but I see the dissapointment which made me feel guilty.
"So I will be taking both you and Lucas to school today. Will you be going to any try outs tonight" he said.
"What are try outs" I ask, confused at what he meant.
Lucas scoffed and rolled his eyes which earned him a glare from Sebastian. "Extra curriculum, the school has a lot of sports clubs but it also has some academic clubs and of course technology clubs. You can join a few if you want. We should have told you in advance so you could have a little time to decide" he explains. I finally understood what he meant and I decided I definitely wanted to try out for something.
Kevin always told I didn't deserve to join any clubs.
"I think I'd like to join something" I say and he nods .
"All try outs end around 4pm so I'll pick you both up then" he said.
"I was planning on going out with my friends" Lucas spoke with annoyance.
"And I already told you that you are grounded" Sebastian countered. It was obvious by his tone that he was pissed with him.
"You can't do that, you have already taken my car, now you are grounding me. I'm 18, I'm an adult" he protested.
"Start acting like one then" Noah muttered, I turned and saw he was now watching us.

"Actually I think you will find I can do whatever the hell I want. I took the car which I bought and which I pay for away from you because you have been nothing but a arrogant dick. And as I am your legal guardian, I am telling you, you are grounded" Sebastian spoke with nothing but harshness.

Even though he wasn't talking to me, I couldn't help be reminded of Kevin.

"You bitch, you think you are better than me, guess what everything you have I bought"
"No please"
"Please? I can do whatever the hell I want, now I'm going to take your clothes bitch, maybe then it will teach you to do as I say"

"Right are you both ready to go" Sebastians voice pulled me from my thoughts and I nodded, not trusting my voice.

On the way there, Lucas was trying to get his car back but Sebastian would say no every time, my thoughts were getting worse each time.
"Please stop" I finally got the courage to speak up.
"Just wait until he takes things from you, then you will understand" Lucas muttered which made my fear worse.
I couldn't go through that again.

I didn't feel Sebastian pulling into the side but only a few minutes past and he had opened the back door and was knelt down next to me. "Riley, deep breaths, in and out. Lucas you can walk the rest of the way. We are only about 5 minutes away" Sebastian spoke and Lucas suprisingly didn't argue but instead he grabbed his bag and walked off.
"Breathe for me Riley, come on you can do this"
After several minutes I calmed down and looked at him with teary eyes.
"What happened" he asked.
"I can't...I can't do it again" I said, my voice was shaky.
"Do what" he asked.
"You took his car" I whispered and he nodded. "Lucas loves his car but if he's going to act like a brat, he doesn't deserve it" he explained like it was nothing. I suppose it was nothing but the way he worded it in the kitchen reminded me so much of Kevin.
"Will you take stuff from me" I ask, my thoughts were clouded with Kevin.
"I'm not going to lie to you. If you are a brat, I will" he admitted and I felt the tears run faster down my face. "Please, I'll be good, just please don't take them" I say, without realising what I actually said. "Take what" he asks. I didn't anwser him, I couldn't, he couldn't know. "Take what Riley" he repeated but still I couldn't respond. "Riley" his voice was more authoritive then gentle now and I felt compelled to anwser him. But I couldn't. "Riley, you're reaction tells me you are afraid so tell me so I can tell you if I will take it from you" he was definitely getting impatient. I couldn't. "You have 5 seconds" he said when he realized I still wasn't going to tell him.
The fear of getting beaten by him was overwhelming, I had no doubt he was stronger than Kevin.
"My clothes" I whispered.
"Clothes? Why the fuck would I take them. What the fuck Riley. I would never take neccasaties from you or even Lucas. I just meant something you loved like books or something like that. Not fucking clothes. Why the fuck would you think that" his tone was filled with anger and the tears ran down my cheeks faster. Suddenly a horrified and disgusted look appeared on his face. His face no longer held anger. "Please tell me Kevin didn't take them from you" he asked, I couldn't speak though, I just nodded. "Fuck." he mumbled to himself and that's when I saw a tear run down his cheek. "Riley please believe me, I won't ever do that" he spoke with a slight crack in his voice. I didn't speak, instead I hugged him. I wanted comfort, and not even a second late his arms wrapped around me tightly. "I'm so sorry Riley" he said and we hugged in silence. "If you want you don't have to go to school" he offered but I declined "I want to go"

Sebastian wasn't Kevin.
Kevin was a monster, Sebastian was...well he was Sebastian

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